Travel regulations update – 10 September 2020

From this Saturday those arriving in Northern Ireland from Portugal (excluding Madeira and the Azores), Hungary, French Polynesia, and Réunion will be required to self-isolate for 14 days.

Current R Number estimate

The Department of Health continues to publish the Covid-19 reproduction number on a weekly basis.

Covid-19 press conference – 10 September 2020

The First Minister Arlene Foster and deputy First Minister Michelle O’Neill announced the Executive’s decision to introduce a series of localised restrictions to stem the increase in Covid-19 cases & keep people safe.

Getting things done – Miller’s Wynd Car Park #dundeewestend

I am grateful to everyone who, last week contacted me about flooding in the Miller’s Wynd Car Park.

I took this up immediately with the City Council’s parking team and have been given the following helpful response :

“One of my colleagues inspected Miller’s Wynd car park again last Monday and Thursday morning and he confirmed that the car park is drying out.

We suspect that it was the heavy rain running down the slope that caused this problem but we will continue to monitor the situation.”

Landlords rates discount deadline approaching

Land & Property Services (LPS) is reminding landlords that their rate bill must be paid in full by Wednesday 30 September 2020 in order to secure this allowance