​​​​​​​Additional university health care places confirmed

Health Minister Robin Swann has announced additional student places for healthcare undergraduate courses at Queen’s University and Ulster University

‘Words save lives’ – Minister Swann

With Organ Donation Week drawing to a close the Health Minister is urging everyone to talk to their family and friends about organ donation this weekend.

Murphy confirms £23 million for university places and schools PPE

The Executive has agreed further COVID-19 funding of £22.93 million for additional Higher Education places that may be required for the 2020/21 academic year, as well as school PPE costs.

Getting things done – Ancrum Road #dundeewestend

A resident recently contacted me as follows :

‘I was wondering if it’s possible to get the drains cleared the around Ancrum Road school.   There was a river running past the crossing lights and lots of standing water at school pick up … Is it also possible to ask for the area to be gritted in winter?’

I contacted the City Council’s Roads Maintenance Partnership about this and have received this helpful feedback :

“An order has been raised for the gully machine to attend the gullies opposite Ancrum Road School. Ancrum Road footways are included in a priority gritting route therefore if winter maintenance operations are in process these footways will be treated.”

Education Minister welcomes letter from Chief Medical Officer to parents and carers

Education Minister Peter Weir has welcomed a letter from the Chief Medical Officer, Michael McBride, which is being sent to parents and carers of school children today.