Nation Brands Index 2020: International Perceptions of Northern Ireland’s Response to COVID-19

The Executive Office today published the ‘Nation Brands Index 2020: International Perceptions of Northern Ireland’s Response to COVID-19’ statistical bulletin.

‘The science of Ammonia’ – DAERA launches three online seminars

The Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs has announced three online seminars with leading experts, to outline the science behind ammonia and help inform future policy.

Alzheimer Scotland’s Memory Walk 2020

Alzheimer Scotland’s Memory Walk is back for 2020 on Saturday 19th and Sunday 20th September and this year it is a little different!

This year won’t be your average walk in the park – we’ll be going virtual. It’ll be your walk, your route, your way.

The Memory Walk is an opportunity to come together with friends and family to show your support for people living with dementia.

Find out more at

Progress welcomed on StopCOVID NI app for young people

Health Minister Robin Swann and Commissioner for Children and Young People Koulla Yiasouma have jointly welcomed the work to develop a new version of the StopCOVID NI app for under-18’s.

Mallon grants planning permission for North South Electricity Interconnector

Infrastructure Minister, Nichola Mallon has today confirmed that she has granted full planning permission for the North South Electricity Interconnector which will create a 400kv overhead electricity line connecting with the Republic of Ireland.