Infrastructure Minister announces first phase of this year’s Park and Ride programme

Infrastructure Minister Nichola Mallon has announced the first phase of this year’s Park and Ride programme across Northern Ireland.

Resurfacing scheme for Tempo Road, Enniskillen at Feddan

The Tempo Road, Enniskillen at Feddan will benefit from a £100,000 carriageway resurfacing scheme, which is due to commence on Monday 28 September 2020.

Road improvement scheme for A26 Crankhill Road, Ballymena

A £480,000 resurfacing scheme for A26 Crankhill Road, Ballymena is due to commence on Monday 28 September 2020.

Death in custody at Maghaberry Prison

The Northern Ireland Prison Service can confirm the death in custody of a 47-year-old prisoner at Maghaberry Prison. The death is not being treated as Covid related.

Getting things done – steps off Riverside Drive #dundeewestend

A resident recently wrote to me regarding the steps that run from the west side of Riverside Drive near the bridge over the rail line down from the Botanic Garden, writing : 

“We regularly use the steps down to Riverside from the rail bridge down from Newhall Gardens.

They are becoming quite dangerous when wet and also the foliage is really overgrown.”

I have raised these concerns with the local environment manager asking for this to be resolved.