Coronavirus (Covid-19) Infection Survey Pilot Northern Ireland – 18 September to 1 October 2020

The Department of Health today published the next in the series of weekly results from its COVID-19 Infection Survey (CIS).

Minister welcomes extension of the Job Support Scheme

Economy Minister Diane Dodds has said that whilst we await the detail of today’s announcement, it is nevertheless welcome.

Murphy responds to Chancellor announcement

Finance Minister, Conor Murphy has responded to the Chancellor’s announcement.

Extension to the term of the Non-Executive Chair of the Southern Health & Social Care Trust (SHSCT)

Health Minster Robin Swann, has announced an extension to the term of the Non-Executive Chair of the Southern Health & Social Care Trust (SHSCT).

Mrs Roberta Brownlee’s term has been extended from 7 September 2020 for a maximum period of 3 months. The Non-Executive Chair role attracts a remuneration of £30,924 per annum and carries a time commitment of 3 days per week.

Getting things done – Blackness Road #dundeewestend

Many thanks to the residents who recently highlighted concerns that a TV aerial on a tenement on Blackness Road was hanging precariously. Given the potentially disastrous consequences if it fell onto the busy road and pavement below, I immediately contacted the City Council about this.

A Building Standards officer very promptly updated me as follows :
“I attended the property … (and) it was noted when on site that the aerial attached to the tenement building appeared loose and was hanging over the footway.

I contacted the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service to allow access to the aerial and review the condition.

On closer inspection the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service confirmed that the aerial was firmly attached to building with wires at the base.

The fire brigade rotated the aerial back over the building.”

I am grateful to both the City Council officers and Scottish Fire and Rescue Service for its very prompt response in resolving this.