Repairs to damaged safety barriers on A2 Clooney Road dual carriageway, Derry

A £60,000 maintenance scheme to carry out repairs to damaged safety barriers is due to commence on the A2 Clooney Road, Derry, on Wednesday 4 November.

Getting things done – Glamis Drive #dundeewestend

As residents are aware, I have been in touch with the Roads Maintenance Partnership on numerous occasions about the need to resurface the roadway of Glamis Drive as it is in poor condition.

I am pleased to advise that I have been informed that the road will be resurfaced from 9th November, which is good news.

It will be undertaken in two phases over up to ten days :

Phase 1 : from Invergowrie Drive to Hillside Road 

Phase 2 : from Hillside Road to Glamis Road

This way access is maintained to the area throughout.

Getting things done – Glamis Drive #dundeewestend

As residents are aware, I have been in touch with the Roads Maintenance Partnership on numerous occasions about the need to resurface the roadway of Glamis Drive as it is in poor condition.

I am pleased to advise that I have been informed that the road will be resurfaced from 9th November, which is good news.

It will be undertaken in two phases over up to ten days :

Phase 1 : from Invergowrie Drive to Hillside Road 

Phase 2 : from Hillside Road to Glamis Road

This way access is maintained to the area throughout.

September stocking of Departmental waters

The Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) has stocked the following waters with takeable fish in September 2020:

Getting things done – Perth Road street lights #dundeewestend

I am grateful to the residents who highlighted to me last week street lights that were out on Perth Road between Hazel Avenue and Invergowrie Drive.

I raised this with the Street Lighting Partnership who very promptly updated me as follows :

“ … the lighting fault on the Perth Road has been rectified.

Someone had gained access to the street lighting control cabinet and interfered with the controls.

This has now been reset, the cabinet door secured and the lights should be operating correctly.”

There was, thereafter, a further issue with the timer, but this has now been resolved and the lights should now be operating properly.