October stocking of Departmental waters

The Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) has stocked the following waters with takeable fish in October 2020:

Council receives an update on Road infrastructure projects for Mid and East Antrim Borough Council

Mid and East Antrim Borough Council members have been updated on road maintenance and improvement works in the area by the Department for Infrastructure during 2019/20 and the schemes being undertaken in 2020/21.

Carriageway and footway resurfacing scheme for Main Street, Conlig

A £200,000 resurfacing scheme on Main Street, Conlig will commence on Monday 16 November 2020.

No Trees to Whisper – Book Week Scotland at the Wighton!

From Sheena Wellington of Friends of Wighton :

We are back!  Online but with a very special event to celebrate Book Week Scotland 

Saturday November 21st from 2pm – 3.30pm 

No Trees to Whisper – the  Music of Poetry 

No Trees to Whisper is  a song cycle commissioned by soprano and clarinet duo, Turning the Elements who are soprano Frances Cooper and clarinettist Joanna Nicholson.   

Poetry workshop led by Dawn Wood.

Be the first audience to hear extracts from this new commission and have the opportunity to work with one of the poets involved, and the musicians, to create a new piece – all from the comfort of your own home, via Zoom!             

Dr Samuel Johnson and James Boswell’s famous diaries of their Journey to the Highlands and Islands in 1779 were the inspiration for this project, supported by Creative Scotland, with poetry commissioned from Haworth Hodgkinson, Iain Morrison and Dawn Wood, and music by Gemma McGregor, Linda Buckley and Aidan O’Rourke.

Dawn Wood will lead the workshop, delving into some of the ways she finds inspiration for her writing, and sharing some of the poetry she produced for the project.  She will use guided meditation techniques to allow participants to access their sensory imagination as they explore aspects of the Scottish landscape and its future. Participants will have the opportunity to produce writing during the workshop, resulting in a collaborative text which will be explored using improvised music by Frances Cooper and Joanna Nicholson.

The workshop is free but places are limited so if you would like to take part in this exciting event, or be part of the audience,   please register your interest by email to secretary@friendsofwighton.com

Minister announces almost £1.5million funding towards Renewal Projects

Communities Minister Carál Ní Chuilín has announced a further £1.465million of funding stream for arts, culture and heritage Renewal projects.