Health Minister responds to Executive decision

Health Minister Robin Swann has welcomed a conclusion to this week’s Executive discussions on Covid-19 regulations.

Bollard at Roseangle playpark area – an update #dundeewestend

Residents will recall that I had recently reported a bollard that requires to be re-sited back in place on the foot/cycle path near the Roseangle playpark.

The City Council has now responded as follows :

“The aforementioned bollard has been sheared at the base and is not re-installable.    The hole has been made safe and I have ordered a new one to replace it when it arrives it will be installed.”

Research paper analyses economic impact of four-week circuit breaker

The Department for the Economy today published a summary of the economic impact of the four-week circuit breaker.

Infrastructure Minister opens consultation on Living with Water in Belfast – an integrated plan for drainage and wastewater management

Infrastructure Minister Nichola Mallon, has opened the consultation process for Living with Water in Belfast, an integrated plan for drainage and wastewater management for Belfast.

Long announces review of prison care and supervision units

Justice Minister Naomi Long has announced a review of Care and Supervision Units in Northern Ireland’s three prisons.