£260,000 bridge replacement scheme for Dreenan Road, Drumnakilly, Omagh.

Dreenan Road, Omagh, will benefit from a £260,000 bridge replacement scheme which is due to commence on 17 November 2020 for a period of 24 weeks.

Road Safety Week – There’s no need to speed

Infrastructure Minister Nichola Mallon has today urged drivers and riders to slow down and reduce their speed on the road. Minister Mallon made the appeal as Road Safety Week gets underway (16-22 November).

24/7 effort to protect our natural environment – Poots

DAERA Minister, Edwin Poots MLA has visited Seapark beach and Cairnwood forest in North Down to see first-hand the ongoing work which is underway to protect our natural environments.

New ‘Phone First’ service for Emergency Departments

A new ‘Phone First’ service for Northern Ireland is being trialled across a number of Emergency Departments (ED) including Causeway ED.

Covid-19 self-isolation grant enhanced by Communities Minister

Communities Minister Carál Ní Chuilín has enhanced the existing Covid-19 self-isolation grant, increasing the daily allowance payable and extending the number of days for which an award can be made.