Appointment of Members to the Board of the NI Housing Executive

Communities Minister Carál Ní Chuilín has appointed Chris Welch and Pauline Leeson as Board Members of the Northern Ireland Housing Executive (NIHE) with effect from 1 November 2020 until 31 October 2025.

Resurfacing scheme for A32 Tummery Road, Irvinestown at Drumharvey

A £350,000 carriageway resurfacing scheme will commence on a section of the A32 Tummery Road Irvinestown at Drumharvey on 23 November.

Dodds announces applications to open for Part B of Covid Restrictions Business Support Scheme

Economy Minister Diane Dodds today confirmed applications are to open for Part B of the Covid Restrictions Business Support Scheme (CRBSS).

Minister Swann visits Whiteabbey hospital Nightingale facility

Health Minister Robin Swann today visited the new Nightingale intermediate Covid care facility at Whiteabbey Hospital.

Residents’ parking scheme for the West End – a further update

Residents will recall that I had recently raised with the City Council the need to complete the consultation on a possible residents’ parking scheme for a significant area in the east and north of the West End Ward.

The consultation was abruptly suspended back in March due to the lockdown caused by the COVID-19 health emergency.    As I indicated to council officers, I do not want to see this kicked into the long grass as the parking problems for many residents continue.

The council’s Parking and Sustainable Transport Team Leader has now updated councillors as follows :

“The report on the proposed extension of a residents’ parking scheme came before the City Development committee on 9 March 2020 and officers were instructed to conclude the consultation with relevant community groups before bringing back a further options report to the committee. 

The public consultation in the West End was largely completed prior to lockdown with a lot of community feedback collated following two public events held at Blackness Library in March 2020.  Further public engagement events in Maryfield and Coldside wards were unable to take place due to lockdown restrictions.

Council officers from City Development, with support from the Communities Team, expect to recommence the public engagement on resident parking issues in March 2021 or at the earliest possible date after restrictions on public gatherings are lifted.   It is then anticipated that a full options report will be presented to committee later that year.”