Lighting issue – steps from Scott Street to Pentland Avenue #dundeewestend

Over the years, I have had numerous requests for better lighting at the steps from Pentland Avenue down to Scott Street.

This has always proved a difficult site to provide a solution at as this earlier response from the Street Lighting Partnership Manager indicated :

“I have looked at several option for lighting these steps over the past year or so and I cannot find a suitable option for these steps. Having looked at solar powered light for the steps and subsequent talks with manufacturers, they all come to the same conclusion (that) there is insufficient sun light during the winter months to sustain power for the light at this latitude.

The cost of excavating and powering a light by the normal means on the steps would run into the thousands of pounds, providing I can get a way leave to track in to the adjacent ground.”

However, I have had more requests from residents recently to see if a solution can be found and went back to the street lighting team about this.

I was advised by the Street Lighting Partnership Manager at the end of last week as follows :

“We did change the lantern on the column at the bottom of the steps in 2017 in order to try and throw some light onto the steps but the practicalities of installing lighting in the vicinity are very difficult.

Let me discuss with colleagues and I will come back to you. 

In the meantime, I wonder if the trees at the top need cutting back again? I recall they were a problem before.”

I have raised the need to thin tree foliage with environment services at the council and will keep residents update on the lighting issue here.

Weir launches enhanced autism training programme

Education Minister Peter Weir has today published an enhanced autism training programme for teachers and the wider educational workforce.

Ministers provide additional funding for town centre Covid recovery

Communities Minister Caral Ní Chuilín and Rural Affairs Minister Edwin Poots have announced a further allocation of £1.7m to councils as part of the Department for Communities’ Covid-19 Recovery Revitalisation Programme.

Minister Ní Chuilín committed to improving our response to homelessness

Everyone should have the right to support, the right to safety and the right to a home.


The Department of Education has announced the appointment of Mr Barry Mulholland to the post of Chairperson of the Board of the Education Authority with effect from 1 January 2021.