NI pet owners must take urgent action when travelling from Great Britain to Northern Ireland

Northern Ireland (NI) pet owners should urgently prepare for changes to pet travel from Great Britain (GB) at the end of the transition period, following an announcement yesterday by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.

Weir outlines plans to end period poverty in schools

Education Minister, Peter Weir has announced that period products are to be made freely available to pupils in primary and secondary schools.

Health Minister Robin Swann visits pharmaceutical wholesaler Sangers AAH to see the preparations for the end of the Brexit transition period

Health Minister Robin Swann, along with the Department’s Chief Pharmaceutical Officer, Cathy Harrison, visited Sangers AAH warehouse facilities in Belfast to see the extensive preparations they have put in place in preparation for the end of the EU Exit Transition Period.

Pen Friends Project!

From Dundee Volunteer and Voluntary Action :

“We are pleased to announce a collaboration with the Companionship Society at the University of Dundee and are overwhelmed by the number of students keen to be pen friends with older people.  They have their pens and notepads poised but we need pen friends for them to write to.   Can you help?  

Why not make it our New Year’s resolution to sign up to something completely different and make friends with someone you wouldn’t normally be in contact with.  

Do you know someone who might like to do this?  Why not sign up yourself or refer a friend.  You will be matched up with people bases on your hobbies and favourite pastimes.  

We will provide you with paper and stamps and you can reply at your own leisure.  

Get in touch on with Clare on 07983 707168 or Jordan on 07983 706626 if you would like to find out more.”

Dodds launches NI Apprenticeship Awards 2021

Economy Minister Diane Dodds today launched the Northern Ireland Apprenticeship Awards 2021.