Getting things done – Riverside Approach #dundeewestend

As residents will be aware, the recent further consultation on a ‘modal filter’ at Riverside Approach that woudl have seen a temporary one-way arrangement as part of Spaces for People during the COVID-19 health emergency, resulted in a majority against so it will not go ahead.

I previously asked for some ‘local traffic only’ or similar signage to be provided to discourage non-local traffic and HGVs and am pleased this has been agreed to.

I also asked that the City Council revisits the idea of a pedestrian crossing on Riverside Approach between the Roseangle playpark and Magdalen Green and the Head of Sustainable Transport & Roads has responded helpfully as follows :

“With regard to the pedestrian crossing proposal, this has been reviewed by our Traffic Team pre-Covid and the pedestrian counts didn’t meet the levels required for change to the current arrangement. 

Post Covid the pedestrian counts may be significantly different and we will review this location once the pandemic has concluded and future travel patterns have stabilised.”

Better energy efficiency will benefit whole society – Dodds

Creating a step change in energy efficiency will realise benefits for the whole of Northern Ireland society, Economy Minister Diane Dodds has said.

Minister announces publication of assessment and response to Parental Bereavement Leave and Pay consultation

Economy Minister Diane Dodds today announced the publication of her Department’s assessment and response to the recent consultation on Parental Bereavement Leave and Pay.

Sharing of information vital for mother and baby home survivors: Foster & O’Neill

Active collaboration and the sharing of information and knowledge will be crucial in addressing the needs of mother and baby home survivors, the First Minister and deputy First Minister have said.

Northern Ireland Termination of Pregnancy Statistics 2019/20

The Department of Health (DoH) today published statistics relating to medical abortions and terminations of pregnancy during 2019/20.