Dodds announces public appointment extensions

Economy Minister Diane Dodds has made extensions to the terms of office of Governing Body (GB) members across five further education colleges.

Dodds announces cancellation of vocational and Essential Skills exams

Economy Minister Diane Dodds today announced the cancellation of Essential Skills and vocational examinations for the remainder of this academic year.

Weir – important that admissions criteria are fair and robust

Education Minister Peter Weir said the impact of the pandemic has created great uncertainty for P7 pupils preparing to move to post-primary schools.

Fuel Well Dundee

I am pleased to advise of a new programme that has been launched in the city for households facing fuel poverty as a result of the pandemic.

The Fuel Well Dundee Programme will support people on a low income whether they are in or out of work, on reduced incomes as a result of COVID-19, or are already experiencing fuel poverty. 

People may have heating systems or home insulation that is inadequate and causing high energy bills or are struggling with other financial or coronavirus related issues.

The scheme can help with top up payments of between £40 and £100 if certain criteria are met, as well as short, medium and longer-term support from fuel advisers and welfare rights advisers.

This can include other areas of financial inclusion including energy advice, a benefits check and debt advice; where appropriate, consideration of referral for Discretionary Hardship Payments or to the council’s Hardship fund; and crisis grants and community care grants advice.

Run by Dundee City Council and SCARF (Part of the Home Energy Scotland network) the Fuel Well Dundee Programme can be accessed directly here.

Road resurfacing scheme for Newal Road, Ballymoney

A £215,000 carriageway and footway resurfacing scheme for pedestrians on B147 Newal Road, Ballymoney will commence on Monday 25 January 2021.