Big Energy Saving Month

Just a reminder that Dundee Citizens Advice Bureau is taking part in with this year’s Big Energy Saving Month campaign, which seeks to help people save time, money and energy through everyday actions.

Energy bills are a real struggle for many people.    Figures released by the Scottish Government last year revealed 1 in 4 households in Scotland, over 600 000 people, find themselves in fuel poverty and official estimates suggest this could rise to 29 per cent of households as a result of the pandemic.

This issue is a real problem for those already struggling with energy bills, with inefficient and expensive heating systems or those who are unable to access discounts and support online.

The nationwide campaign will run until next Sunday – 31st January – and encourages people to get energy advice, and focuses on five key consumer groups :

People on electric only heating

People on prepayment meters

People struggling with energy bills

Those who frequently turn off the heating to save money

People who can’t access deals and support online

Big Energy Saving Month is looking to raise public awareness of the simple changes people can make to help them save this winter.    It looks to support people to save energy, reduce their bills and access any entitlements that they are due. 

For further details, please go to

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