Minister announces PPE funding for non-statutory training providers

Economy Minister Diane Dodds today launched a £250,000 fund to help non-statutory training providers meet the additional costs resulting from ensuring compliance with public health regulations as a result of Covid-19.

Ministers welcome rapid testing scheme for Northern Ireland hauliers

The introduction of rapid testing for Northern Ireland hauliers heading to France has been welcomed by the Health Minister Robin Swann and the Infrastructure Minister Nichola Mallon.

NI’s vaccine numbers climb past 220,000

The number of Covid-19 vaccines administered in Northern Ireland has passed the 220,000 mark.

Fairtrade Fortnight 2021

Fairtrade Fortnight 2021 will take place from Monday 22nd February until Sunday 7th March.

As a member of Dundee Fairtrade Forum, I am keen to see Fairtrade Fortnight being promoted in the city.

Fairtrade Fortnight 2021 will focus on the growing challenges that climate change brings to farmers and workers in the communities Fairtrade works with. Farmers and workers in developing countries are feeling the impact of the climate emergency now despite having contributed to it the least. 

Fairtrade works to raise the voices of producers and prioritise what they need to respond to the environmental crises unfolding in already vulnerable communities. This Fortnight, the campaign will focus on the theme of ‘Choose the World You Want’ and to encourage people to use their voice to tell others about the challenges that farmers face from climate change. 

In 2021, Fairtrade Fortnight will feel very different.   Physically campaigning and meeting people will continue to be challenging but so many people want to continue to support Fairtrade through this time. 

Fairtrade Fortnight will be hosting an online festival bringing together schools, universities, businesses, supporters, campaigners and farmers from across the world to choose the world they want.

More information is available at the Scottish Fairtrade Forum website at

Minister Hargey announces redevelopment boost for Castle Street, Belfast

Communities Minister Deirdre Hargey has announced that CSI1818 Limited have been appointed to redevelop a derelict site at Castle Street in Belfast City centre.