Economy Minister amends eligibility criteria for Newly Self-Employed Support Scheme

Economy Minister Diane Dodds has announced amendments to the eligibility criteria for the Newly Self-Employed Support Scheme (NSESS).

Coronavirus (Covid-19) Infection Survey Northern Ireland – 31 January to 6 February 2021

The Department of Health today published the next in the series of weekly results from its COVID-19 Infection Survey (CIS).

Mallon announces £365,000 flood alleviation scheme in West Belfast to commence

Infrastructure Minister Nichola Mallon has announced that a £365,000 flood alleviation scheme on the La Salle Stream in the Riverdale Park East area of West Belfast is due to commence on 22 February 2021.

£25M Sport Sustainability Fund on schedule

Communities Minister Deirdre Hargey has confirmed that the assessment of applications from the sport sector to the £25M Sports Sustainability Fund, is on track.

Street lighting – Hillside/Glamis Drive/Hazel Drive area – further update

Further to my update earlier this week about the street lights being out in much of the Hillside/Glamis Drive/Hazel Drive area, in which I advised that there was an electricity supply problem, I have now received this further news from SSE :

“Our Network Integrity team are aware of this fault and have advised that it is high on this priority list.

We have had a number of faults on our network as a result of the snowfall which the team have had to attend to in the first instance.

Can you please share our apologies and advise that we will resolve this by next week at the latest?”

I should add that, after receiving this update yesterday afternoon, residents advised me that SSE vans had appeared, so if the lights were not back on last night they should now be back on very soon.