Lyons announces £1million micro food business scheme

A £1million capital grant scheme to help existing micro food and drink manufacturing businesses to upscale production to secure new markets for their products will open in March, Rural Affairs Minster Gordon Lyons MLA has announced.

Hargey reduces entertainment licence renewal fees

Communities Minister Deirdre Hargey has announced a reduction in fees for the renewal of entertainment licences to alleviate the hardship being experienced by the industry as a result of Covid-19 restrictions.

Mallon announces 12 month extension to expired Strangford Ferry Service SmartCard journeys

The Strangford Ferry Service has continued to operate throughout the pandemic.

NI reaches another sad Covid-19 milestone

Health Minister Robin Swann has emphasised that the threat of Covid-19 must never be underestimated.

Telephone CEV vaccination booking goes live

Telephone vaccination booking is now available for people who received a shielding letter because they are Clinically Extremely Vulnerable (CEV) to Covid-19.