Poots clarifies position on cricket loam products

Agriculture Minister Edwin Poots has visited Lisburn Cricket Club after concerns were raised about Loam products for cricket pitches moving from GB to NI.

Connectivity key to economic growth – Dodds

Economy Minister Diane Dodds has welcomed the publication of Sir Peter Hendy’s Union Connectivity Review Interim Report

Flooding on Riverside Avenue – an update #dundeewestend

Residents recently highlighted to me that there’s been a load of water pouring across Riverside Avenue on and off from some form of blue pipe – about 50m east of the Wright Avenue junction.    This was causing a large puddle at times and making cycling past there really difficult.

I contacted the City Council about this and have been updated as follows :

“Dundee City Council and Network Rail are currently working together to prevent flooding of the railway as a result of a collapsed culverted watercourse in close proximity to the track. 

The water is currently being temporarily pumped to the adjacent grassed verge areas to take advantage of existing infiltration available, however after heavy rainfall overland flow may find its way onto the carriageway and this is being closely monitored by the City Engineers. 

Please note this is only a temporary measure to allow Network Rail and their appointed contractor to undertake necessary drainage works beneath the track. As soon as Network Rail have completed their track works the temporary pumps will be moved back to the wooded area.  

Dundee City Council and Network Rail are currently finalising a drainage design and we hope to have the permanent drainage works in place soon.” 

I was then further updated as follows :

“I can confirm that an engineer from my team met with the contractor … to further review the current water pumping arrangements along Riverside.  

The contractor has been instructed to relocate the pump from the existing grass verged area, back to a suitable vegetated area between the carriageway and the rail track about 50m west of the works.   

The pumping works will then continue for a period of time to allow Network Rail to complete their under-track crossing works and for the City Council to complete the permanent drainage reinstatement.”

Dodds announces 20 high quality training places with FinTrU in the north west

Economy Minister Diane Dodds has launched a new FinTrU North West Assured Skills Academy offering 20 high quality training places for people with degrees.

Road improvement scheme for A30 Ballymacash Road, Lisburn

A £165,000 road improvement scheme on the A30 Ballymacash Road, Lisburn will commence on Monday 15 March.