Getting things done – Union Place #dundeewestend

I have had numerous concerns from residents in Union Place recently about overflowing rubbish at the Eurobins in Union Place and I therefore requested from the City Council that an additional general waste Eurobin be provided for residents.

I am pleased to have now received positive feedback from environment management as follows :

“We’ve agreed to relocate the south-most set of bins within the car park which will enable an additional bin for general waste to be added, thus creating more capacity and reducing the opportunity for side waste and littering in general.

We are going to monitor the bins in the coming weeks and make any necessary adjustments thereafter.”

A very Happy Easter Sunday!


Getting things done – Seafield Road and Westfield Lane #dundeewestend

Residents have highlighted that the path that connects the lane from Seafield Road (38 to 48) to the grassy area towards the bottom end of Westfield Lane becomes ‘a bit of a mud pit’ when it rains (as one resident accurately put it).

The lane itself is not a City Council adopted pathway but I have asked environment management who own the grass area if the surface of this short length of path to the grass area could be improved.

Over £260 million paid out under Localised Restrictions Support Scheme – Murphy

Over £260 million of financial assistance has been paid to businesses under the Department of Finance’s Localised Restrictions Support Scheme (LRSS).

Poots informs US Consulate General of challenges of NI Protocol

Agriculture, Environment & Rural Affairs Minister, Edwin Poots MLA has met with Acting US Consul General in Belfast, Mr Bryan Wockley, to update the US administration on the implementation of the NI Protocol (NIP) and the challenges it presents to our agri-food sector in particular.