‘We must fix our appalling waiting lists – together’

Health Minister Robin Swann has detailed his ambitions for the re-building of Northern Ireland’s health service, while stressing the need for sustained investment to deliver the plans.

Road improvement scheme for B2 Clare Road, Tandragee

A £441,000 carriageway resurfacing scheme will commence on the Clare Road, Tandragee on Thursday 15 April 2021.

Getting things done – Hillcrest Road #dundeewestend

I have recently received concerns about the deteriorating road surface towards the west end of Hillcrest Road.

This part of the road was not resurfaced some time ago when the rest of the street was given an improved surface and I therefore raised ths with the City Council’s Roads Maintenance Partnership.

I have now had a helpful response as follows :

“An inspection has been carried out at Hillcrest Road and there are currently no actionable defects. However an order has been raised to repair non actionable defects when resources are available.

Non actionable defects are minor defects and have no specified timescale for repair. Actionable defects are defects that require intervention i.e. repair within an appropriate timescale dependant on the location and scale of the fault.”

Ministers welcome further moves out of restrictions

The latest steps forward on the pathway out of restrictions are good news for our society, the First Minister and deputy first Minister have said.

Consultation opens on Statutory Duty of Candour and Being Open Framework

Health Minister Robin Swann has launched a 16 week consultation on draft policy proposals for the statutory Duty of Candour and a Being Open Framework.