Health minister on easing of restrictions

Commenting on the Executive’s decisions on easing Covid-19 restrictions, Health Minister Robin Swann said: “I very much welcome the fact that Ministers have reached agreement around proposals brought to today’s meeting by the Executive Office.

Mallon outlines action plan for the return of driving tests

Infrastructure Minister Nichola Mallon today confirmed action plans for a priority booking system for driving tests following the Executive’s decision to reinstate practical driving tests from 23 April 2021.

Hargey welcomes further easements to organised sport and leisure activities

Communities Minister Deirdre Hargey has welcomed the Executive’s announcement on Thursday, 15 April, that a number of significant easements to the current Covid restrictions will take place over the next few weeks.

Getting things done – Riverside Avenue #dundeewestend

I have received a number of residents’ concern about the width of the foot/cycle path on part of Riverside Avenue, particularly between the roundabout with Riverside drive and the entrance to Riverside Nature Park at Wright Avenue.

This comment from a resident captures the concern :

“The footpath along Riverside Avenue from the roundabout going to Wright Avenue is far too narrow for pedestrians, prams, children AND bicycles. Noticed a lady having to step onto the road while trying to move around prams and a fast moving lorry was lucky to have missed her.”

I raised this recently with the City Council’s Team Leader, Parking & Sustainable Transport who has responded as follows :

“This section of footway carries the NCN77 (National Cycle Network) and officers are aware that width is less than desirable. As part of the Spaces for People programme this winter, there has been a clearance of overgrown shrubs in this area – creating more usable space. I have asked colleagues to check whether the shrub clearance is complete – and determine whether more work to scrape back the earth/leaves is needed.

Work to widen the path or re-route this section of the NCN will be considered and may be taken forward as a future project. We would hope to be able to match our own capital allocation for active travel infrastructure against external funding sources to take projects like this forward.”

Health Inequalities Annual Report 2021

The Department of Health today published the Health Inequalities Annual Report 2021.