Coronavirus (Covid-19) Infection Survey Northern Ireland – 10 – 16 April 2021

The Department of Health today published the next in the series of weekly results from its COVID-19 Infection Survey (CIS).

Minister Poots makes a splash at Newcastle YMCA

Rural Affairs Minister, Edwin Poots MLA, has visited Greenhill YMCA in Newcastle to see how £500,000 of funding has helped to construct a new community hub.

Dodds announces payments to be extended under two business support schemes

Economy Minister Diane Dodds has announced the extension of payments under two of the Covid business support schemes.

Roads and pavements improvements 2021-22 #dundeewestend

Yesterday, I was advised of the detail of roads and pavements improvements planned for the West End for this financial year and these are as follows :

Adopted Footway Programme 2021-22

Perth Road South Side – Nr 312 to Taylors Lane – Resurface

South Tay Street – East Side – Whole Length – Slabs

Taits Lane – Both Sides – Various Sections – Resurface + Kerb

Unadopted Asset Programme 2021-22

Dunmore Gardens – Footways – Reconstruction

Norwood Terrace – North Footway – Reconstruction

Perth Road – South Footway Phase 2 – Reconstruction *

Rockfield Crescent – Footways – Reconstruction

* I sought clarity as to the precise part of Perth Road concerned and am advised it is the south pavement roughly between opposite the bottom of Ninewells Avenue to just west of Millbay Terrace/Gardens

Non-Adopted Asset Programme 2021-22

Seafield Road Car Park – 15 Bays – Resurface

Union Place (South) Car Park – 35 Bays – Reconstruction

Carriageway Programme 2021-22

Briarwood Terrace – Whole Cul de Sac – Resurface

Grosvenor Road – Perth Road to Shaftesbury Road – Resurface

Newhall Gardens – Main Loop Only – Surface Dress

Ninewells Avenue – Perth Road to Dickson Avenue-  Surface Dress

These are very welcome – I have been raising many of these with the City Council repeatedly on behalf of residents.   However, this does not go nearly as far as is required for the West End in terms of getting all our roads and footpaths up to standard.

At the 2021 Dundee City Council budget meeting, my colleague and I presented an alternative budget which would have seen an extra £2 million capital spending over the next year on roads resurfacing.   

We believe a substantial increase in roads resurfacing is necessary to tackle worn and potholed local roads.  

Unfortunately, none of the other parties supported our £2 million additional spending despite it being fully costed, but I will continue to pursue improving road condition across the West End.

The Scottish Conservative 2021 Manifesto | Rebuild Scotland

22 Apr 2021

Our manifesto is a positive policy programme, focused on rebuilding Scotland after the worst year that many of us have faced in living memory.

On delivering an economic recovery that stops widespread unemployment and creates good jobs and growth in every part of our country.

On supporting our education system to catch up every single pupil from a year of disrupted schooling – so that we do not face the prospect of a Covid-generation left behind.

And funding our NHS to get through the backlog of a year of delayed operations.

It is a programme that will ensure our recovery from coronavirus.

Yet our manifesto does so much more than that, it sets out the issues that the Scottish Conservatives will fight for in the next Parliament.

For renewing our justice system, so that it is firmly on the side of victims and not those who commit crime.

For devolving power and funding to communities, so that we can put an end to the era of SNP centralisation and better support local services, like schools and roads.

For creating a dynamic, innovative green economy, that works with business to drive a skills revolution and achieve our 2045 net zero ambition.

And so much more.

With our manifesto setting out 15 major bills that we would seek to take forward and pass through a Scottish Parliament working to rebuild our country.

Using the powers of the Scottish Parliament to their maximum, rather than complaining that they are never enough.

It is a manifesto that, at its heart, secures and accelerates our recovery from coronavirus.

That uses the strong foundations and support of the UK to rebuild Scotland.

Use your party list vote, on the peach ballot paper, for the Scottish Conservatives, and let’s secure our recovery and rebuild Scotland together.

Read our manifesto here.