Long: Arson attack at officer's home was appalling and cowardly

Justice Minister Naomi Long has condemned those responsible for the arson attack against a serving member of the police.

Mallon focused on reshaping and improving towns and cities for all

Infrastructure Minister Nichola Mallon has said she is focused on reshaping and improving town and city space for the benefit of all citizens.

Poots signals support for local potato sector

Agriculture Minister Edwin Poots MLA, has signalled the introduction of a financial support package for the potato growers impacted by a reduction in demand from the hospitality and food service sector for processing potatoes in the past 7 months due to Covid-19 lockdown measures.

Executive statement on outdoor hospitality

The Executive has confirmed the position in relation to the regulations in advance of the re-opening of outdoor hospitality tomorrow.

Minister welcomes Fresh Start funding for community based projects

Communities Minister Deirdre Hargey has welcomed funding of almost £1million to ensure the continued delivery of her Department’s contribution to the Fresh Start initiative.