Statement on Executive decisions 13 May 2021

Thanks to the efforts of the public and the continued success of our vaccination programme, we are in a position to signal a further set of relaxations. We also discussed issues around international travel and travel within the CTA.

Weir welcomes resumption of wider schools activities

Education Minister Peter weir has welcomed the Executive’s decision to allow schools to resume a range of activities.

Irish Cup final to inform next steps towards safe reopening of large scale events

The Executive has agreed to use the Irish Cup final as part of a study to inform the future safe return of spectators to large scale venues.

Hargey welcomes return of spectators to sports events and further reopening of sports activities

Speaking after today’s Executive meeting Communities Minister Deirdre Hargey welcomed the planned return of spectators to sports events and further reopening of sports activities.

Getting things done – West Park Road #dundeewestend

During the significant snowfall in early February, as part of the snow clearance effort on West Park Road, a JCB was used to remove much of the build up of snow.

Regrettably, as residents have since pointed out to me, the JCB caused some damage to the road surface.

The damaged part of West Park Road is mainly at the junction of Westpark Gardens and Norwood Terrace.

I have since raised this with the City Council’s Roads Maintenance Partnership and it has been agreed that a site inspection will take place to check the extent of damage and then get repairs undertaken.