Poots visits Lough Neagh Rescue Service

Rural Affairs Minister, Edwin Poots MLA, recently visited the Lough Neagh Rescue (LNR) Centre at lands adjacent to Kinnego Marina. 

Interim scheme launches for foreign travel vaccine proof

The Department of Health in NI has introduced interim arrangements to provide holiday makers with short-term written confirmation of full vaccination. These interim arrangements will be available for foreign travel up to and including July 19, 2021 – for people visiting countries requiring proof of double dose COVID-19 vaccination.

Getting things done – Hillcrest Road – an update #dundeewestend

Back in April, on behalf of residents, I reported the deterioration of the road surface in Hillcrest Road to the City Council’s Roads Maintenance Partnership and received the following response :

“An inspection has been carried out at Hillcrest Road and there are currently no actionable defects. However an order has been raised to repair non actionable defects when resources are available.

Non actionable defects are minor defects and have no specified timescale for repair. Actionable defects are defects that require intervention i.e. repair within an appropriate timescale dependant on the location and scale of the fault.”

These defects had yet to be programmed in and, as you can see from the photo, the road does need repair so I asked if this could be now done ASAP.

I have now received this helpful update :

“Bailie Macpherson

(The local inspector has now) raised an order for repairs to be carried out.”

Poots launches Robotics and Automation Pilot Project

Robotics and automation in the agri-food industry could improve productivity, reduce waste, maximise safety and lower costs, Agriculture Minister Edwin Poots has said.

The Northern Ireland Planning Statistics: 2020/21 Annual Statistical Bulletin published

The Northern Ireland Planning Statistics: 2020/21 Annual Statistical Bulletin is published today.