How to get your jab

Latest walk-in mobile vaccination clinics – no appointment necessary – for first dose jabs.

Visit to the Scottish Diaspora Tapestry at Verdant Works #dundeewestend

It was a real pleasure yesterday to meet with Deirdre Robertson, Chief Executive of Dundee Heritage Trust, at Verdant Works and see the first part of the superb Scottish Diaspora Tapestry exhibition.

The Scottish Diaspora Tapestry has come to Dundee for the very first time after a worldwide tour.

Bringing together artists and communities from 34 countries across the globe, the tapestry explores the vast connections Scots have with the rest of the world.

The first part on Europe, The Baltics and The Americas runs until 20th July with the second part (UK, South Asia, Australia, New Zealand) then runs from 22nd July until 12th September.

The exhibition is very impressive indeed.   It is well worth a visit and you can find out more about the tapestry here.

Getting things done – Riverside Drive #dundeewestend

Last week, I had a very useful site visit with our local environment manager and a member of West End Community Council about environmental issues in the part of Riverside Drive east of the Bridgeview Restaurant.

We agreed the following :

  • Move a dog bin away from the seating area east of the restaurant so the potentially smelly bin is not close to seating and move it further east so there is better spacing between dog bins (there’s already one just slightly west of the existing one anyway).
  • Provide a new and decent sized litter bin near the seating.
We also looked at the Tay Rail Bridge Disaster Memorial which on its side facing the river is starting to wear, making the writing difficult to read – see below – and removing parts of the mural.

I have since then been in touch with the City Council’s public art officer, who has helpfully responded as follows :

“I am presently working on another project which requires lettering into granite and infilled with a paint. I will ask regarding the possibility of refilling the letters. 

However, this probably can be done by a local monumental mason.”

Weekly Road Report – West End Ward #dundeewestend



City Fibre H3G Project – rolling road closures commencing on Tuesday 15 June for 7 weeks.  Lochee Road (Cleghorn Street to Tullideph Road) closed from Tuesday 5 July for 4 days:  Closures of Lochee Road (Dudhope Terrace to Black Street), Polepark Road, Cleghorn Street, Brewery Lane, Session Street, Brown Street, Argyllgait and South Ward Road to follow in July.

Blinshall Street (Lochee Road to Guthrie Street) – temporary traffic control from Monday 5 July for 4 weeks for Street Lighting work.

Forthcoming Roadworks

Tay Street Lane – closed overnight (7.30 pm to 6.30 am) on Friday 23 July for Scottish Water work.

Nethergate (at Tay Street Lane) – overnight (7.30 pm to 6.30 am) traffic control on Friday 23 July for Scottish Water work.

Nethergate – closure of the junction with South Tay Street on Monday 26 July for one week for carriageway resurfacing.

Abbotsford Street – temporary traffic lights on Wednesday 28 July for telecoms mast work.

Lochee Road (at Blinshall Street) – off peak temporary traffic lights from Friday 30 July to Tuesday 3 August for new telecomms apparatus.

Getting things done – Roseangle playpark #dundeewestend

I received this very sensible suggestion from a resident who lives very close to the Roseangle playpark :

“ …. would it not be a good idea to have “children playing” signs on approach to Roseangle play park? There are of course the 20mph signs, but people do sometimes rattle quite fast down Roseangle and I think it would be good for drivers to be alerted to the fact that there may well be children around.”

I raised this with the City Council’s Traffic & Road Safety Team Leader who has responded positively as follows :

“We will consider the request for signs and I hope that the 20mph zone keep the speeds down.

I will pass it on to one of my colleagues to have a look at and hopefully that this is OK.

We are very busy right now and we are in the holiday period so we are thin on the ground as they say so it will take time.

We will look at it and see what we can do.”