Getting things done – path at Harris Academy #dundeewestend

The path that runs down the side of Harris Academy off Perth Road towards Riverside is badly overgrown – see photo.

I am grateful to the residents who highlighted this to me and I have asked the City Council’s Neighbourhood Services who have maintenance responsibility here to have it tidied.

Swann welcomes roll out of Moderna vaccine in selected community pharmacies

Health Minister Robin Swann has welcomed an expansion of the community pharmacy COVID-19 vaccination service with the phased deployment of the Moderna vaccine.

Mallon welcomes appointment of contractor to take forward All Island Rail Review

Infrastructure Minister Nichola Mallon has welcomed the appointment of ARUP to take forward the All Island Strategic Rail Review.

Road improvement scheme for A2 Bangor Road, Belfast

A £400,000 resurfacing scheme on the A2 Bangor Road will commence on Monday 2 August 2021.

Road improvement scheme for A26 Crankill Road Northbound Dual Carriageway, Ballymena

A £520,000 resurfacing scheme for the A26 Crankill Road Northbound Dual Carriageway, Ballymena will commence on Monday 2 August 2021.