Publication of the Quarterly Northern Ireland Inpatient, Day Case, Outpatient and Diagnostic Waiting Times Statistics – Position at 30 June 2021

The Department of Health today published the quarterly Northern Ireland Inpatient, Day Case and Outpatient Waiting Times Statistics, relating to the position at 30 June 2021.

Getting things done – Riverside recycling centre #dundeewestend

Residents will be aware that, at the re-opening of the Riverside recycling centre last year, after the first lockdown, service provision was reduced and did not include paper/cardboard recycling.   This was due to social distancing and queuing necessity at the time.

I have been pressing for full recycling services to recommence and have now had this helpful update from the City Council’s Waste Services Manager :

“Following the announcement last week we are reviewing the implications and what control measures are now required in line with industry and government guidance.  

We are also speaking with colleagues in neighbouring authorities.  

We are certainly hoping in the coming few weeks that we can re-instate all services to both recycling centres.”

I have asked to be kept updated and will advise residents when I hear further about this.

£325,000 Bridge strengthening upgrade scheme for Galloon Bridge, Newtownbutler

The Galloon Bridge on the U9119 Galloon Road, Newtownbutler, County Fermanagh is to have a £325,000 bridge strengthening upgrade, due to commence at the start of September 2021.

Mallon launches Call for Evidence on the potential introduction of biennial MOT testing

Infrastructure Minister Nichola Mallon today launched a Call for Evidence to seek views that will inform a decision on the potential introduction of biennial (every two years) MOT testing for cars, light goods vehicles and motorcycles.

How to get your jab

Mobile vaccination clinics are continuing to deliver first doses.