Covid vaccine fact file – bogus claims and side effects

At the heart of many “anti-vaxxer” arguments is the belief that Covid is a hoax – that very different Governments from around the world have somehow managed to unite behind a grand conspiracy, that tens of thousands of health care workers have joined in, along with Government officials and countless media organisations – and they’ve all managed to keep the plotting secret.

Coronavirus (Covid-19) Infection Survey – Antibody and Vaccination Data for Northern Ireland

The Department of Health today published a report on antibody and vaccination data from the COVID-19 Infection Survey (CIS).

Lyons – ‘Skill Up’ to kickstart your career prospects

Economy Minister Gordon Lyons today launched Skill Up, a new initiative to deliver free training places, in an investment of up to £23million.

Getting things done – Minto Place #dundeewestend

I recently received complaints about the poor road condition in Minto Place near the junction with Richmond Terrace.

I raised this with the City Council’s Roads Maintenance Partnership and have now had this helpful feedback :

“The Road Inspector for this area has identified the defect that requires a repair.   He has identified it as a Category 3 defect which will be repaired within 30 working days.”

Lyons announces 120 new jobs by Australian drill rig manufacturer, Tribe Technology

Economy Minister Gordon Lyons has announced 120 jobs for Northern Ireland during a visit to a new manufacturing facility set up by Tribe Technology.