Lyons updated on £63million Smart Nano NI Project on visit to Londonderry

Economy Minister Gordon Lyons today visited Londonderry to hear how the North West is leading a £63.9million project to increase productivity in the smart and nanomanufacturing industry in Northern Ireland.

Appointment of members to the Building Regulations Advisory Committee

The Department of Finance has announced the appointment of four new members to the Building Regulations Advisory Committee (NIBRAC).

Invitation – COP15 NERC Economics of Biodiversity Workshops

In the lead up to the UN Biodiversity Conference (CBD COP15), the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), as part of UK Research and Innovation (UKRI), is bringing together a broad range of communities and building capacity across academia, policy, business and NGOs to promote the importance of addressing research challenges within the area of the economics of biodiversity.   NERC invites you to attend a series of two NERC led COP15 workshops themed on the ‘Economics of Biodiversity’. These workshops will be held as a virtual meeting on 7th and 9th September 2021.  

For further information, and to express interest in joining this workshop series before the closing date of 12th August, sign up here.

If you have any questions, please contact

Instagram Event – Valuing Nature: The Roots of Transformation

The author of the illustrated novel, ‘Valuing Nature: The Roots and Transformation’, Rob Fish, who was the Arts & Humanities champion of the VN Programme, and the illustrator of the book, Holly McKelvey, held an Instagram event to introduce the book in preparation for its launch.  Click here to watch Rob and Holly discuss the motivation behind the book, its ethos, and the process of writing and illustrating this soon to be published, innovative novel.  

Published Report linking the environment and mental health

The Environmental Science and Mental Health Review, commissioned by NERC via the VN programme, is now available.  This report outlines where and how environmental science can play a role in the mental health domain.  For more information and to download the report, click here