Friends of the Earth Tayside is organising the Dundee Green Walk tomorrow – Saturday 18 September – in conjunction with the University of Dundee Botanic Garden, where it will start (at 10 am) and finish.
It is being held to highlight the Climate Emergency in the run-up to the COP26 UN Climate Conference in November, and is supported by the Tayside COP26 Coalition.
It’s free to take part and is 6 km (3.7 miles) with only a couple of gentle slopes.
There will be speakers to welcome you to the Ninewells Community Garden and the Riverside Nature Park, and tell you something about the importance of Dundee’s green spaces for biodiversity and tackling climate change.
You can go to hear the talks without walking the whole route, if you wish, at the times indicated.
There will also be a “walk-and-talk” at 2pm at the Botanic Garden, where you can spend the rest of the day, at no cost, other than any refreshments at the cafe.