Students urged to check entitlements through Department’s ‘Make the Call’ service

Communities Minister Deirdre Hargey has urged students to check if they could be entitled to benefits by using the Department for Communities’ Make the Call Wraparound service.

Mental Health Champion appointed

Following a recent external recruitment process, Health Minister Robin Swann has appointed Professor Siobhan O’Neill as the Mental Health Champion for Northern Ireland.

Publication of the statistical bulletin Children in Care in Northern Ireland 2019-20

The Department of Health has today published the Children in Care in Northern Ireland 2019/20 Statistical Bulletin.

Health Minister announces grants for groups supporting carers

Health Minister Robin Swann has announced the allocation of the first tranche of grants to organisations providing vital support for carers.

Getting things done – Roseangle playpark #dundeewestend

Parents and carers of the children using the Roseangle/Magdalen Green playpark contacted me recently about the popular zip wire not being operational.

As one parent said, “The zip line is a big hit and I feel so bad for them that it’s gone.”

I therefore contacted environment management at the City Council and have been advised :

The zip wire seat was removed as part of a routine inspection/maintenance visit by our Play Team due to wear on the attaching U bolts.

Replacement bolts have been ordered and the seat will be replaced as soon as they are received.”