New Foresight Project launched to support UK’s 2050 net zero target

The report will inform the government’s long-term net zero strategy.

Improvement proposals for Black Street’s open space #dundeewestend

The council’s landscape design team is currently consulting with residents who lives in the vicinity of Black Street about possible improvements to the open space there.

Further details and how to give your feedback are given below :

Residents’ parking – consultation latest! #dundeewestend

As residents know, I have been very critical of the City Council for for continual delays in bringing forward proposals for residents’ priority parking in the West End.

The council undertook consultation meetings with local residents over the issue at two very well attended meetings in Blackness Library in March 2020 – just before the onset of the COVID-19 health emergency – but has failed to progress scoping the scheme since then.

The council administraion’s excuse for this is that it had not started the consultation process in two other wards – Maryfield and Coldside – but as I have raised at the council’s at the council’s City Development Committee, the issues in the other two wards are different and there is absolutely no reason to hold up progress in one ward because of issues elsewhere.   The parking solutions must be tailored to individual local circumstances and there is not a ‘one solution fits all’ template that can be rolled out for all three wards.

In short, there is no reason that the outcomes of the 2020 West End consultation with the public could come back to committee together with recommendations to improve parking for residents. At the committee’s last meeting, I moved a successful motion to commit officers to have proposals back to committee no later than March 2022.

With this deadline in mind, the council is now finally getting round to online consultation meetings that will cover all three wards. There will two on-line meetings on Tuesday 16th and Wednesday 17th November, both starting at 7pm. Opening with a presentation by the council parking officers, there will be an opportunity to submit questions that will be answered on the night.

More information on the proposed schemes, and how to take part in the meetings and the consultation is available at

As I have said before, there is clearly good support for a residents’ priority parking permit scheme as long as it is reasonable and affordable as it would make it much easier for local residents to get parked. 

At last, after my repeatedly raising the issue rather like a broken record, some progress is now finally taking place.

Temporary Traffic Order – Glamis Drive, Eton Street and Elliot Road

From the City Council :

Dundee City Council proposes to make an Order under Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 for the purpose of facilitating City Fibre duct installation works. The Order is expected to be in force for 10 days from 11 November 2021. Its maximum duration in terms of the Act is eighteen months
The effect of the Order is to prohibit temporarily all vehicular traffic in (1) Glamis Drive between Glamis Road and Invergowrie Drive and (2) Eton Street and Elliot Road between Blackness Road and Cambridge Street.
Only one section will be closed at any time. Access will be maintained where possible.
Alternative routes will be available via (1) Glamis Drive, Invergowrie Drive, Perth Road, Glamis Road and Glamis Drive and (2) Blackness Road, Oxford Street and Cambridge Street.
For further information, please contact the Network Management Team, City Development Department, Dundee House, 50 North Lindsay Street, Dundee, DD1 1LS or phone 433082.

Science and innovation critical to climate change solutions

Science and Innovation Day at COP26 sees the announcement of new initiatives backed by global coalitions of nations, businesses and scientists.