News story: How will we power the UK in the future?

The Government Chief Scientific Adviser begins a series of public talks exploring how we could power the UK in the future.

Speech: All the talents: policy needs social science and humanities’ input

From the war on Ebola to climate change strategy, research in a wide range of disciplines is proving invaluable.

Speech: Medicine, science and values – with hindsight and foresight

Speech by Sir Mark Walport at the Royal College of Physicians’ Harveian Oration dinner.

Speech: Bridging the gap between scientific and value judgements

Speech by Sir Mark Walport to the Foundation for Science and Technology on distinguishing between scientific and value judgements.

Speech: Crop protection: managing risk, not avoiding it

Extract of a speech by Sir Mark Walport to the Crop Protection Association on the current science around neonicotinoid insecticides.