IWAI’s New Ro-Ro Terminal at Assam to Boost Cargo and Passenger Transport in North East

The Inland Waterways Authority of India (IWAI) carried out successful berthing operation

PM greets Parsi community on Navroz

PM greets Parsi community on Navroz

Russian Firms Show Keen Interest in Furthering ‘Make In India’ by Involving Indian Firms

The Department of Defence Production in the Ministry of Defence organised the ‘India-Russia Military Industrial Conference’ from March 17 to 18, 2017.

Union Minister of Finance Shri Arun Jaitley will address the 23rd Conference of Auditors General of Commonwealth Countries and British Overseas Territories tomorrow

The Union Minister of Finance, Defence and Corporate Affairs Shri Arun Jaitley will address the 23rd Conference of Auditors General of Commonwealth nations and 9 British Overseas Territories in New Delhi tomorrow, i.e., 22nd March 2017.

Indo – Nepal Joint Exercise Surya Kiran Terminates

Indo – Nepal Joint Military Training was held at Pithoragarh from 07 March to 20 March 2017. EKTA SHAKTI Battalion of The Punjab Regiment of Indian Army and DURGA BAHSH Battalion of Nepalese Army