Getting things done – Riverside Avenue #dundeewestend

A resident recently asked me :

“Is there any possibility of putting in light controlled crossing facilities at the end of Perth Road and Riverside Avenue near the Technology Park entrance?

It is really difficult trying to walk to the middle of the road in peak hour then across.

You have many people leaving the Technology Park and crossing this busy road to get to Invergowrie.

In the low sun recently, it was concerning trying to cross.”

I raised it with the City Council’s Traffic and Road Safety Team Leader who has sent me this helpful response :

“I am going to get someone to do a survey here to see what level of pedestrian demand there is across the road.

To be quite frank I am not convinced that there is a high number so we will probably concentrate on the peak periods as a starting point and take it from there.

I have also got to be mindful that this is very near the boundary with Perth and Kinross Council and any consideration of a proposed new crossing would need to get some level of approval from them.”

I will, of course, keep residents informed when I am given further updates.

The Story of LGBTQ+ Activism in Lancaster and Morecambe

The towns of Lancaster and Morecambe have been forerunners in LGBTQ+ activism and recreation in the North of England since the 1970s.

Friends of Wighton lunchtime recital tomorrow

From Sheena Wellington :

We are still in the Land of Zoom for February though a small band of hardy souls who are ready to brave the open window ventilated Wighton Centre will be back at the singing from Tuesday 1st!

The Lunchtime Recital tomorrow – Wednesday 2nd February, – 1.15pm -1.45pm – will be given by mother and daughter duo MoragAnne Elder and Elisabeth Flett (Elisabeth pictured), playing fiddles and singing a selection of tunes to do with winter and the North.    

Both, of course, are long time friends of the Wighton, MoragAnne currently running the mixed instruments class and Essa who has grown up coming to Wighton classes and whose musical career we follow with great interest and pride. 

Essa is taking part in the Danny Kyle Open Stage online at the end of the month – her slot is on January 31st at 5pm on Celtic Radio so you can .

The concert is free – donations can be made at

and the link is

Topic: Wednesday Wighton Lunchtime concert
Time: Feb 2, 2022 01:00 PM London

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West End out of school club #dundeewestend


Ninewells Community Garden event #dundeewestend

Next Saturday – 5th February – celebrate National Storytelling week at Ninewells Community Garden at an excellent writing workshop with writer Alex Turner.

It will delve into different types of writing including short stories, journaling, and poetry and explore the theme of nature waking up after winter, awakening our senses and imagination as you meander through the garden to find inspiration for nature storytelling.

Free of charge – all welcome – more details at