Getting things done – Cambridge Street #dundeewestend

Many thanks to the residents who contacted my colleague Michael Crichton recently about the dog bin near to Cambridge Street that had fallen over.

The West End Focus Team reported this to the council and has had a positive response indicating it will be put back in its correct position.

Weekly Road Report – West End Ward #dundeewestend



Perth Road (at Millbay Gardens) – off‑peak temporary traffic lights until Monday 14 March for footway works.

West Port roundabout – lane closures for one week for BT work.

Blackness Road at junction with Balgay Road – 4 way temporary lights for 4 days from Monday 14 March for City Fibre works.

Strawberrybank (Magdalen Yard Road and Perth Road) – closed from Monday 14 March for 6 days for City Fibre works.

Forthcoming Roadworks

Osborne Place (Magdalen Yard Road and Perth Road) – closed from Monday 21 March for 6 days for City Fibre works.

Magdalen Yard Road – 2 way temporary traffic lights from Monday 21 March for 3 days for City Fibre works.

Shepherd’s Loan (Magdalen Yard Road and Perth Road) – closed from Monday 28 March for 6 days for City Fibre works.

Perth Road (at Glamis Road) – temporary traffic lights on Monday 21 March for telecommunications mast maintenance.

Glenagnes Road – closed from Monday 4 April for 5 days for carriageway patching works. Access will be maintained for residents.

Another Dundee Women’s Festival event!

From the Curator of  Museum Services at the University of Dundee : 

Let’s Go Round Again – the Women’s Angle

Tues 15th March, 6pm – 7pm, D’Arcy Thompson Lecture Theatre, Tower Building

Our current exhibition in the Lamb Gallery, Let’s Go Round Again, showcases work by alumni of Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art who studied from 1968-72. 

As part of the festival, this special event invites women artists and designers showing in the exhibition to discuss their time at art school and the challenges they faced as women in a male-dominated art world. 

Taking part in this live in-person discussion are alumni Sheila Mortlock, Anne Skinner, Janet Tod and Dorothy Walker and former staff member Sheila Macfarlane, then Head of Printmaking.

Places must be booked in advance at

Scottish Liberal Democrat leader raises Ryehill Health Centre with Cabinet Secretary for Health #dundeewestend

As recently reported in the Courier (see below), the Leader of the Scottish Liberal Democrats Alex Cole-Hamilton MSP has intervened in the Ryehill Health Centre concerns by raising the issue with Humza Yousaf, Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care.

Alex said :

“I have raised the concerns over Ryehill Health Centre with the health secretary at the request of West End Councillor Fraser Macpherson who has already asked NHS Tayside to consider taking over the running of the health centre rather than see it closed and the patients having to be disbursed to other GP practices.

“The impact of having to absorb 5400 patients into other local GP practices would be very significant, adding to pressure in these other practices but also meaning that all the Ryehill patients will have to be found new GPs – a huge task.

“It would make a lot of sense for the health board to take over the direct running of Ryehill and I have asked the health secretary to step in to ensure that NHS Tayside taking over the direct running of the health centre is firmly on the table.”

I had already written to Lorna Birse-Stewart, Chair of Tayside Health Board, and Grant Archibald, Chief Executive of NHS Tayside seeking clarification of the Health Board’s commitment to the 5400 Dundee patients affected by the proposed closure of the Ryehill Health Centre and saying it should do all it can to keep the practice open.

NHS Tayside needs to be much clearer as to how it will support the patients at Ryehill and I have asked for assurances that the Health Board has discussed all the options and will consider taking over the running of the health centre rather than see it closed and the patients disbursed to other GP practices.

NHS Tayside and the Health and Social Care Partnership have to be clear as to how it is tackling the Ryehill medical practice’s decision to relinquish its contract with the Health Board and supporting the thousands of patients involved to have access to GP services locally.

I cannot accept that, after so many years of service to the community, the approach of the Health Board is to simply accept it closes. It must look at the option of running the practice itself to keep it open. NHS Tayside already directly runs four GP practices across Tayside including the Maryfield Health Centre. If it can be done there, it can be done at Ryehill Health Centre.

I am very pleased that Alex Cole-Hamilton MSP has now raised this with the Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care as we need assurances from ministers and from the health board that the proposal to save Ryehill Health Centre through direct NHS Tayside management will be actively considered by the Health Board.

It strikes me as infinitely preferable that the health board keeps the practice open under NHS Tayside management than closes it which would mean thousands of people having to be found a new GP. Adding 5400 people across the other GP practices in Dundee will simply add to the pressure on these practices and the quality of service and I don’t see that as in any way the best outcome.

Scottish Liberal Democrat leader raises Ryehill Health Centre with Cabinet Secretary for Health #dundeewestend

As recently reported in the Courier (see below), the Leader of the Scottish Liberal Democrats Alex Cole-Hamilton MSP has intervened in the Ryehill Health Centre concerns by raising the issue with Humza Yousaf, Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care.

Alex said :

“I have raised the concerns over Ryehill Health Centre with the health secretary at the request of West End Councillor Fraser Macpherson who has already asked NHS Tayside to consider taking over the running of the health centre rather than see it closed and the patients having to be disbursed to other GP practices.

“The impact of having to absorb 5400 patients into other local GP practices would be very significant, adding to pressure in these other practices but also meaning that all the Ryehill patients will have to be found new GPs – a huge task.

“It would make a lot of sense for the health board to take over the direct running of Ryehill and I have asked the health secretary to step in to ensure that NHS Tayside taking over the direct running of the health centre is firmly on the table.”

I had already written to Lorna Birse-Stewart, Chair of Tayside Health Board, and Grant Archibald, Chief Executive of NHS Tayside seeking clarification of the Health Board’s commitment to the 5400 Dundee patients affected by the proposed closure of the Ryehill Health Centre and saying it should do all it can to keep the practice open.

NHS Tayside needs to be much clearer as to how it will support the patients at Ryehill and I have asked for assurances that the Health Board has discussed all the options and will consider taking over the running of the health centre rather than see it closed and the patients disbursed to other GP practices.

NHS Tayside and the Health and Social Care Partnership have to be clear as to how it is tackling the Ryehill medical practice’s decision to relinquish its contract with the Health Board and supporting the thousands of patients involved to have access to GP services locally.

I cannot accept that, after so many years of service to the community, the approach of the Health Board is to simply accept it closes. It must look at the option of running the practice itself to keep it open. NHS Tayside already directly runs four GP practices across Tayside including the Maryfield Health Centre. If it can be done there, it can be done at Ryehill Health Centre.

I am very pleased that Alex Cole-Hamilton MSP has now raised this with the Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care as we need assurances from ministers and from the health board that the proposal to save Ryehill Health Centre through direct NHS Tayside management will be actively considered by the Health Board.

It strikes me as infinitely preferable that the health board keeps the practice open under NHS Tayside management than closes it which would mean thousands of people having to be found a new GP. Adding 5400 people across the other GP practices in Dundee will simply add to the pressure on these practices and the quality of service and I don’t see that as in any way the best outcome.