Conservatives’ heads in the sand on climate emergency during heatwave, Green Party warns

18 July 2022

  • Inaction during heatwave is latest example of Conservative government ignoring climate crisis

As millions of people prepare for exceptionally high temperatures over the next two days, the Green Party has warned that the government’s inaction could lead to people’s deaths during the heatwave [1].

Green Party co-leader Adrian Ramsay said:

“This Conservative’s government inaction in the face of the climate emergency is costing lives both here in the UK and abroad.

“For too long successive governments have had their head in the sand when it comes to the climate crisis.  Boris Johnson may have talked up climate action before COP26, but over 12 years of this government the pace of change has been far too slow.

“While the UK government announced carbon emissions reduction targets by 2035, it has since actually incentivised more oil and gas production in the North Sea [2] and the Climate Change Committee has said its current policies will not achieve net zero [3].

“Not only have they done nowhere enough to bring down the carbon emissions that are causing this extreme weather but now, when confronted with potentially deadly heat, they offer next to nothing to support people through it. Meanwhile, Boris Johnson couldn’t even be bothered to turn up to a Cobra meeting on the situation. [4]

“We need politicians that recognise the impact the climate emergency is having on all of us, right here right now, and aren’t afraid of taking the decisions that will help us mitigate against the devastating consequences of this crisis. 

“The Conservatives should be focused on supporting vulnerable people through the heatwave while taking urgent action to reduce the impact of future extreme weather. They are showing an extreme dereliction of duty, and that is why we need a general election.”






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Mags Lewis appointed as Green Party spokesperson for disability

15 July 2022

Mags Lewis, a Green Party, environmental and disability activist from Leicester, has been appointed as the national party’s spokesperson for disability.

A Green Party member for over fifteen years , Mags cares passionately about the environment and the need to hear from, see and respect disabled people.

Mags has long supported job shares and other measures such as hybrid meetings to help disabled people stand for office and contribute to political life and has a track record of activism, nationally and locally.

Mags said :

“I’m delighted to have been appointed as spokesperson for disability once again, as it’s never been so urgent to ensure the voices of disabled people are heard, respected and amplified.

“The environmental and social challenges facing us all are felt particularly acutely by disabled people, and I look forward to working with the Green Party Disability Group and national party, to make sure our voices are central to policy.”


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We must go further on buses, say Greens

13 July 2022

  • Adrian Ramsay: “It’s no good having cheap fares for buses that don’t exist”

Responding to government plans to cap single bus fares in England at £2 this winter [1], Greens are calling for massive public investment to provide a “genuine bus revolution” which would mean everybody had access to an expanded and high frequency bus network.

They have also called for a cap on fares to be permanent, not just for six months over the winter. Greens say diverting the £27bn away from road building could pay for huge improvements to public transport services.

Green Party co-leader Adrian Ramsay said:

“Boris Johnson’s planned bus revolution got stuck in neutral, indeed many communities across England have seen bus services go into reverse. But a genuine bus revolution, creating an expanded, high frequency and sustainable bus network to all corners of England, is possible. It’s a question of priorities. We say axe the damaging £27bn road building programme and divert this money into supporting buses. 

“While a temporary £2 cap on single bus fares is hugely welcome and is an important move to help address the cost of living crisis this winter, it must come with fresh funding – councils cannot be expected to foot the bill. We also need such a cap to be permanent, not temporary.

“It is also no good having cheap fares for buses that don’t exist. So the fares cap policy must be matched by massive public investment in the bus network as well as an improvement in pay and conditions for bus staff to tackle the shortage of drivers facing the industry.”

Councillor Matt Edwards, Green Party transport spokesperson, said:

“Buses are vital to creating fairer, greener communities. We have to accept, not everyone drives. In urban areas they can help tackle congestion and air pollution – especially where old diesel buses are replaced by electric vehicles. In rural areas, buses can serve as a lifeline, especially to the elderly, the young and the disabled.

“Greens in government have been taking a lead on reducing costs for those using public transport – in Scotland Greens successfully pushed for free bus travel for all those under 22 and in Herefordshire, Greens on the Council ensured that Covid Recovery funds were used to provide free weekend buses. Meanwhile in Germany, where Greens are in coalition government, there has been the introduction of a 9 euros monthly rail ticket.

“We will continue to push for a genuine affordable bus revolution in England and believe this can be best delivered when buses are a public service not run for private profit, and where local authorities set routes and fares.”



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Greens call for general election in wake of Boris Johnson resigning

7 July 2022

Responding to the news that Boris Johnson is resigning as Prime Minister [1], Green Party co-leader Carla Denyer said:

“That it has taken so long and so many scandals for us to reach this stage is a travesty. I hope that Boris Johnson’s resignation will bring to an end this shameful and unedifying period of British politics. 

“It is clear though that this resignation has come far too late to avoid doing lasting damage to our democracy and country at large, and the Conservative MPs who have backed him until now are the ones to blame for that.

“For too long, the Tories have allowed the situation to drag on while protecting a Prime Minister who has lied and lied again in order to cling on to power despite the fact it was rendering the government useless during multiple crises.

“The British public cannot forget the damage the Conservative Party as a whole has wilfully inflicted on this country in the middle of a pandemic, a cost of living crisis and the accelerating climate crisis. 

“Boris Johnson was not just one bad apple, the whole tree is rotten. The public have lost confidence in this government and that is why it is so important that we now have a general election to give people a say on how they want their country run.”




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Green Party response to resignations of Sunak and Javid

5 July 2022

Responding to the resignations of chancellor Rishi Sunak and Health secretary Sajid Javid, co-leader of the Green Party of England and Wales Carla Denyer said:

“Cabinet Ministers Sunak and Javid have taken far too long to find their backbone, but their eventual resignations must now signal the end of this shameful episode in UK politics.

“With the Cabinet in revolt, it is essential that Boris Johnson resigns immediately. But that is not enough. He is a bad apple, but the whole tree is rotten. This is a government mired in sleaze, scandal and law breaking which has undermined public trust and confidence.

“We need a general election to give the people a chance to give their verdict on this corrupt and spent government, which is not competent to address the critical issues facing this country.”

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