Greens call for ‘One Pound Fare to Take You There’ on buses

17 February 2023

With England facing hundreds more cuts to bus services due to the ending of government support [1], the Green Party is calling for the introduction of a £1 single fare on all routes across the country. 

Coined, ‘A One Pound Fare to Take You There,’ the policy seeks to increase usage of buses – passenger levels in most areas have never fully recovered to pre-pandemic levels. 

The Greens are also calling for free bus travel for everyone under 21, and protection of existing schemes such as free local bus travel for over 60s in many areas.

They say these incentives must be coupled with huge investment in new buses and bus services and to ensure there are no cuts to existing services. They also want to re-regulate bus services with all regions operating a franchise system, where local authorities determine routes and frequencies, as is currently the case in London and Manchester. 

The Green Party say they would pay for bus service improvements by scrapping the £27bn road building programme – diverting this money to public transport – and allocating a proportion of their proposed carbon tax [2] to fund the £1 fare and free travel for under 21s.

Green Party co-leader Adrian Ramsay said:

“A One Pound Fare to Take You There scheme and free travel for under 21s must be combined with major investment in buses and bus services to boost bus travel across England. 

“We also need our buses to work for people, not the profit of large private bus companies. This is why Greens want to see greater powers for local councils to set routes and frequencies rather than private companies cherry-picking the profitable routes while leaving other passengers out in the cold and some communities completely cut off. 

“Subsidising public transport can result in savings elsewhere, cutting the costs of congestion, reducing health costs associated with air pollution and helping tackle carbon emissions and the huge costs we will incur from the climate crisis.”

Green Party councillor Ellie Chowns, Cabinet Member for Environment and Economy on Herefordshire council, which introduced free weekend buses using Covid recovery funds [3], said:

“Low cost, or even free buses, is not pie in the sky. Here in Herefordshire we had a hugely successful trial of free weekend buses using Covid recovery funds. 

“Across Europe low cost and free buses are a reality in many places too. Germany is introducing  a heavily discounted monthly transportation pass; Luxembourg offers nationwide free public transport and the French city of Dunkirk provides free buses and trains which has led to less traffic and discouraged car use [4]. 

“Low cost or free public transport is all about political choices. We can pay for high quality public transport by scrapping the damaging road building programme and diverting this money to public transport, and allocating a proportion of our proposed carbon tax policy into funding the One Pound Fare to Take You There scheme.”


[1] Warning hundreds of England bus services face cuts – BBC News

[2] Greens call on government to bring in carbon tax at COP26 | The Green Party

[3] FREE Bus Travel in Herefordshire on Weekends – Hereford City Council

[4] Free public transport gains traction in Europe – DW – 06/05/2022

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Zoë Garbett announced as Green candidate for Mayor of London

10 February 2023

The Green Party has announced Zoë Garbett will be its candidate for the Mayor of London next year as she set out her vision for a Green London in 2024.

Zoë spoke of her plans to make London a Greener, fairer city with measures including free bus travel for young people and cleaner ways to use Silvertown Tunnel.

The Greens are London’s third party, and the first to select both a candidate for the Mayor of London and candidates for the London-wide Assembly list after a selection process culminating in early February.

Zoë, a councillor for the Dalston ward in Hackney, previously ran for Mayor of Hackney in 2022 where she came second.

Zoë said:

“I’m overjoyed to have been chosen to be the Green Party’s candidate for London Mayor and want to say a huge thank you to Greens across London who have selected me – I’ve been overwhelmed with the support and I can’t wait to start this campaign.

“I’m also delighted to be standing with so many fantastic Greens for the Assembly- I’d like to thank everyone who put themselves forward, with so many great candidates the competition was tough – this shows what an exciting future we have ahead of us as a Party.

“I got into politics because I cannot sit by and watch issues and people being ignored. Greens are compassionate, proactive and incredibly hard working. And with the multiple crises we are facing – the cost of living and housing crisis, the crisis in our workforce and of course the climate crisis – the need for more elected Greens has never been more urgent.

“Everyday, Greens are putting our values into practice – and people like what they see. Just imagine what a Green-powered London could look like!

“We have the energy, ideas & candidates to run our most ambitious campaign yet – not just to set the agenda but to turn city hall Green in 2024.”

Zoë added that she would continue the current work of the Green Party in London to tackle issues across the city: “Londoners need a campaigning mayor – who will stand up for them, fight back against austerity and fight for more rights. This includes more devolved powers to London but more importantly – more power for residents over decisions made about their lives, homes and communities. We understand the issues facing Londoners. We are ready to take action. It’s time for political change and we are ready.”

Sian Berry, the Green Party’s candidate for Mayor of London in 2016 and 2021, supported Zoë in this year’s internal campaign.

Speaking before the event, Sian said: “I am delighted Zoë was selected as the Green Party candidate for this vitally important role. She is a real talent, a breath of fresh air, and the best choice London could make for 2024.”


1. Zoë won the internal selection with 51.2 percent of first preference votes, standing against two other internal candidates.

2. Members also selected the following as Green Party candidates on the London Assembly List: 
Sian Berry
Caroline Russell
Zack Polanski
Zoë Garbett
Benali Hamdache
Scott Ainslie
Ria Patel
Nate Higgins
Claire Sheppard
Shahrar Ali
Pete Elliot

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Greens respond to Sunak’s latest flights

9 February 2023

Responding to Downing Street’s revelation that Prime Minister Rishi Sunak flew from Dorset to London and London to Cornwall in the space of 24 hours, Green Party co-leader Carla Denyer said: 

“The Prime Minister seems incapable of understanding just how damaging his personal addiction to flying such short distances so regularly is to his government’s stated aim of tackling the climate crisis. Private jets are up to 14 times more polluting than commercial flights and 50 times more polluting than taking a train. He should be showing some leadership in reducing his carbon footprint, instead he is insulting everyone who is trying to do their bit for the environment.” 

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Greens say new department must genuinely focus on Net Zero

7 February 2023

*Demand to end all fossil fuel subsidies and windfall tax loopholes

*Call for carbon tax to fund renewable energy and home insulation

With the new Department for Energy Security and Net Zero launched [1] on the day BP has announced record profits [2] and greenhouse gas emissions are confirmed to have increased by 5% between 2020 and 2021 [3], the Green Party has called for the new department to “genuinely focus all its energy on achieving Net Zero”.

The Party’s co-leader, Adrian Ramsay, has called for a carbon tax in order to move the ‘grotesque profits’ of fossil fuel companies into funding a huge push towards renewable energy and a mass home insulation programme.  

Ramsay said:

“Having dumped the Department of Energy and Climate Change some seven years ago, the Tories have decided to resurrect it in a new guise: the Department of Energy Security and Net Zero. This department must genuinely focus all its energy on achieving Net Zero. It must stop all fossil fuel subsidies and end the perverseness of allowing energy companies to avoid windfall taxes on their grotesque profits by investing in further exploitation of oil and gas reserves.

“A carbon tax is one of the greatest levers we can apply to help shift us towards the clean green economy we need in order to cut climate wrecking emissions and create a fairer healthier society [4]. Companies like BP, Shell and other big polluters have been responsible for three quarters of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions since 1988 [5]. A carbon tax would target these big polluters and provide the funding to move us towards a renewable energy economy and a mass home insulation programme. This would cut domestic energy bills and keep people warm.”


[1] Sunak reshuffle: Shapps named energy secretary in department shake-up – BBC News 

[2] BP scales back climate targets as profits hit record – BBC News  

[3] UK Greenhouse Gas Emissions 2021: summary (

[4] Greens call on government to bring in carbon tax at COP26 | The Green Party

[5] Just 100 companies responsible for 71% of global emissions, study says | Guardian sustainable business | The Guardian

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Greens chances of next MP increase in Bristol after historic by-election result

3 February 2023

  • Patrick McAllister defeats former government minister in crucial Hotwells & Harbourside council by-election

  • Key electoral test passed on mission to elect Carla Denyer as Bristol’s first Green MP

  • Carla Denyer: “The direction of travel is clear – Bristol is turning Green.”

  • Win means 17 of 20 councillors in Bristol West represent the Green Party

  • McAllister: “I’m humbled to be elected to represent our community at such a vital time”

The Green Party’s chance of electing their next MP has increased after they became the outright largest group on Bristol City Council by winning the Hotwells & Harbourside by-election.

Winning Hotwells & Harbourside now means 17 of the 20 councillors in the Bristol West Constituency are Green. There’s growing evidence that their candidate, national party leader Carla Denyer, can become Bristol’s first Green MP at the next General Election. 

Denyer said:

“Patrick’s outstanding win is a very significant milestone for our movement. Our country desperately needs more Green MPs to tackle the climate emergency, the cost of living crisis and save our NHS. This vital local win paves the way for a national victory in the wider constituency at the next General Election.

“Bristol is a unique city that I’m proud to call my home. At a time when Labour are polling high nationally, Bristol once again has bucked the trend. Hotwells & Harbourside residents have chosen a brilliant Young Green over a former government minister, showing there is a real changing of the guard happening here.”

“Patrick and I will work tirelessly with our fellow councillors for the good of this city. The direction of travel is clear – Bristol is turning Green.”

Following a closely-fought campaign, McAllister becomes the Green Party’s 25th councillor, making them the new largest group in Bristol’s City Hall for the first time ever.

McAllister, a climate science graduate who works in legal services, said: 

“I’m humbled to be elected to represent our community at such a vital time, and want to thank the residents of Spike Island, Hotwells, Brandon Hill and the Harbourside for putting their trust in me.

“Successive Conservative-led governments and our Labour-run council have left residents feeling frustrated, whether it’s through botched consultations on new developments, repair works dragging on for years, the cladding crisis or even by threatening to take our library away. There’s never been a more vital time to speak up for our communities and that’s what I’m going to do my best to do.

“I’d like to thank former councillor Alex Hartley for his service to the community, and all of the other candidates – it’s been quite an experience!”

Cllr Heather Mack, leader of the Green Party group on Bristol City Council, added:

“I’m so proud Patrick is joining 24 experienced and dedicated councillors in the Green group. I’ve known him for years as a dedicated campaigner. Throughout this campaign he’s proven to be the hardest worker in the harbour, and I know that hard work will continue.

“Residents in neighbouring wards all have Green councillors too and like what they see. People don’t live their lives in narrow ward boundaries – that’s why we will always work together as a team and put residents first. I can’t wait for Patrick to get to work.”

Full results of the Hotwells & Harbourside by-election are available on the Bristol City Council website.

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