Inflation-matching pay rise for public sector “all gain and no pain” say Greens

18 July 2023

A new report from the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) refutes claims by Rishi Sunak and his government that larger wage settlements for public sector workers would fuel inflation [1]. They say that inflation-matching pay rises, financed from taxation, would have zero impact on inflation. 

Reacting, Green Party co-leader Adrian Ramsey said:

“This research draws a line under the argument that paying public service workers decently fuels inflation. It shows that if inflation-matching pay rises were financed from taxation, the impact on inflation would be zero. 

“Greens have long championed a wealth tax to help fund our public services, contribute towards the transition to a greener economy, and create a more equal society [2]. It is clear that such a tax – to fund proper pay rises for public service workers – will be all gain and no pain.”


  1. Public sector pay rises of 10% would add little to inflation, says UK thinktank | Public sector pay | The Guardian

  2. Tax wealthiest 1% to fund home insulation, say Greens – BBC News

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Greens call for rent controls to prevent soaring living costs

14 July 2023

Green Party co-leader Carla Denyer has urged the government to introduce rent controls after an official survey from the Office for National Statistics found that 43% of tenants found it difficult to afford their rent between February and May [1].

Denyer said:

“Everyone deserves a place to call home and so it is simply unacceptable that the government is not doing anywhere near enough to help the thousands of people who are struggling to pay rents that are shooting up with no relationship to incomes.

“The government could help if it only had the political will. Unfortunately, it seems the Prime Minister is too out of touch to realise the very real consequences currently facing many across the country.

“An immediate rent freeze, alongside an eviction ban, would go a long way to prevent people being made homeless during this cost of living crisis.

“In the longer term, councils should be given the power to bring in rent controls in areas where the housing market is overheated. 

“And I want to see much stricter controls on the type of new homes being built to include more affordable and social housing for buying and renting.”



For more information or to arrange an interview contact the press office on or call 0203 691 9401

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It is failure to act on climate crisis which is truly “dangerous and irresponsible” say Greens

6 July 2023

Reacting to comments made by the boss of Shell in a BBC interview [1], Green Party co-leader Carla Denyer said:

“Without even the vaguest hint of irony, the boss of Shell, which recently vowed to scale back on its climate change pledges [2], says it would be “dangerous and irresponsible” to cut oil and gas production, blaming the slow pace of the transition towards renewables. 

“This is fossil fuel spin at its worst. The truly dangerous and irresponsible thing to do is to continue with business as usual at a time when temperature records are tumbling on a daily basis [3] and the International Energy Agency has said there must be no new investments in oil, gas and coal [4]. 

“It is companies like Shell that stand in the way of a rapid move towards renewables, aided and abetted by a Conservative government that continues to grant licences for more oil and gas exploration.”


  1. Oil giant Shell warns cutting production ‘dangerous’ – BBC News

  2. Shell joins BP and Total in U-turning on climate pledges ‘to reward shareholders’ | Euronews

  3. Tuesday was world’s hottest day on record – breaking Monday’s record | The Guardian

  4. No new oil, gas or coal development if world is to reach net zero by 2050, says world energy body | Climate The Guardian

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Greens call for rail ticket offices to be kept open to support travellers

5 July 2023

Responding to a consultation on the closure of ticketing offices at all rail stations, Green Party Transport spokesperson Matt Edwards said:

“Any decision to close station ticket offices would be another short-sighted decision by a government that does not care about people who use public transport to get around.”

Edwards, who is also Leader of the Green Party Group on Bradford Council, added:

“Anyone who uses the train will know that the machines at our stations are not reliable and they don’t always make it clear which ticket is the cheapest ticket to buy. This will also make it more difficult for people who need to pay for tickets with cash.

“Being able to speak to someone is vital for many passengers and plans to close ticketing offices will make travelling by train more different for thousands of passengers – especially passengers with disabilities, those with limited mobility and parents travelling with children.

“Instead of another needless fight with unions and passengers, the government should be focusing on getting services running on time, dealing with overcrowding and making travelling by rail more convenient and affordable. Closing ticket offices will achieve none of that.”

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Green Party urges government to block Gatwick expansion bid

3 July 2023

Green Party co-leader Carla Denyer urged the government to deny Gatwick Airport a Development Consent Order, which it says it is applying for [1] and would allow the airport to create a second runway in a major expansion of its capacity.

Carla said:

“This is an immediate test for the government, coming just days after its own Climate Change Committee said there could be no more airport expansions, if it was to stand any chance of hitting its net zero goals [2].

“A second runway at Gatwick would be a disaster for the climate and could result in an extra 1.5 million tonnes of carbon emitted each year [3], at a time when the government’s own advisers say it is struggling to meet existing greenhouse gas reduction targets.

“The government could save everyone a lot of time, effort and worry by refusing this application outright.

“In recent months it has given the green light to new oil and gas fields, and a new coal mine.

“Yet the climate danger signal is flashing red. The government must make it clear that it will listen to its own advisers and ensure there is no new airport expansion at Gatwick or elsewhere.” 

Councillor Jonathan Essex, Green Group leader on Surrey County Council and Reigate and Banstead Borough council, said:

“It is time for our Government to declare a moratorium on airport expansion and start taking its climate responsibilities seriously. 

“Gatwick Airport’s expansion is not only unacceptable on climate grounds but it will also make noise, air pollution and traffic worse locally.

“Instead of falling for Gatwick’s inflated promises the Government should commit to creating the new jobs needed to deliver a zero carbon future across the surrounding area – a Green New Deal for Gatwick.” [4]






This is calculated by applying the increase in carbon emissions set out by the UK Department for Transport (DfT) for 2016 up to 2028 for the proposed second runway using Gatwick Airport Ltd (GAL) and Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) figures. 


A Green New Deal for Gatwick Airport:

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