Green Party responds to suspended sentences for Sheffield tree campaigners

7 June 2018

The Green Party has responded to news tree campaigners in Sheffield have been given suspended sentences [1] for breaching protest injunctions [2].

Simon Crump and Benoit Compin were each given sentences of two months, suspended for one year.

Jonathan Bartley, co-leader of the Green Party, said:

“To see a local authority pursue action which could have resulted in jail terms for its residents for peacefully protesting the destruction of their local environment is beyond belief. This is the sharp end of a nationwide rollout of injunctions which seek to stamp out peaceful dissent wherever it is found. I stand in full solidarity with the brave greens campaigners putting their bodies on the line in the fight for Sheffield’s trees.”

Alison Teal, Green councillor in Sheffield, said:

“We will not be deterred by these bullying tactics. The residents of Sheffield have made clear they do not want their healthy street trees destroyed under an expensive, secretive and unaccountable Private Finance Initiative. To see the local authority attempt to throw them in jail is deeply worrying, but sadly not surprising. But the strength of the campaign to save Sheffield’s trees is growing by the day and we will not give in.”



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Greens: House of Fraser job losses “devastating to workers and their families”

7 June 2018

The Green Party today expressed its dismay at the news that thirty-one House of Fraser stores are to close, leading to two thousand jobs lost right across the country. [1]

Green Party Deputy Leader Amelia Womack is in Cardiff and made special note to how it will impact on the Welsh capital in particular.

Womack said: “These closures will put two thousand people out of work and will be devastating to them and their families. Here in Cardiff, three hundred and forty two people will now have to seek new work, as will the House of Fraser staff in Cwmbran.”

“For this city, these closures have an ever bigger effect. House of Fraser, or Howells as it is known locally, has been at the iconic heart of trade in Cardiff for over one hundred and fifty years. It’s a double blow, Cardiff is losing a piece of history as well the jobs of today. That’s a blow that will be felt in many communities around the country today.”


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Greens: ECJ ruling a “momentous day” for Europe’s LGBT+ community

5 June 2018

The Green Party today celebrated the momentous news that the European Court of Justice has ruled that a same-sex marriage concluded in one EU member state must be recognised by all the others, even where same sex marriage is not recognised. [1]

LGBTQIA+ Spokesperson Aimee Challenor noted that the ruling will now allow same-sex couples from Northern Ireland who marry in other parts of the EU to have the same rights as their fellow Northern Irish. Challenor argues that this ruling makes a further case for a People’s Vote on the final Brexit deal.

Chalennor said: “This is a momentous day for people all across Europe. From a UK perspective this is especially a momentous day for marriage equality in Northern Ireland, as LGBT+ people can now get married in Ireland or the rest of the UK and be recognised as equals in their own home.

“However, the sad reality is that this is not to last. Just as the ECJ delivers marriage equality to Northern Ireland, Brexit will take it away. It is vitally important that we get a People’s Vote on the final deal to give people a chance to protect the newfound equality.”


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Greens: Swansea Bay tidal power lagoon should be prioritised over Anglesey nuclear plant

1 June 2018

The Green Party of England and Wales today criticised Westminster plans to scrap the Swansea Bay tidal lagoon [1] which would take place the same day they sign off on the Wyfla nuclear plant on Anglesey.

Deputy Leader Amelia Womack, who last ran in the 2016 Welsh Assembly Election, argued that the prioritisation of nuclear power over tidal was further evidence that the Government had no strategy for moving Wales to a clean, renewable future.

Womack also noted that the inconsistencies in the costs quoted from Hitachi [2], combined with the cost of the Anglesey project in comparison to cheaper offshore wind projects [3], were proof that the nuclear project lacks both financial and environmental sustainability.

Womack said: “Wales’ energy production has been a defining part of our history, this tidal power lagoon would be a defining part of our clean energy future. This project would have produced cheap, locally sourced energy, created jobs in the community and made South Wales a nationwide leader in green technology.

“Instead the Conservatives are ploughing money into a nuclear energy plant that is neither environmentally sustainable nor financially sound. This is further proof that the Conservatives don’t have the best interests of Wales at heart.”




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Caroline Lucas not re-standing for Green Party leadership

30 May 2018

Caroline Lucas, the current Green Party co-leader, has announced that she will not seek nominations to re-run for the position. Lucas, who has co-led the party for the last two years, says she is showing the ‘power of letting go’. The Green Party currently has a record number of councillors – and has clearly overtaken UKIP to become the fourth party of England and Wales. [1] 

Lucas’ time as leader included the General Election – seeing her take part in the televised leaders’ debates, which a number of commentator’s said she won [2]. Along with her co-leader Jonathan Bartley, she then went on to spearhead the Greens’ local election campaign this year – seeing the party win seats across the country and breaking through onto an additional 6 councils.

Under the current co-leadership the Green Party has pioneered a number of bold policies, and continued to offer an alternative to the establishment parties. Lucas and Bartley have championed a shorter working week [3], trials of a Basic Income [4] and reform of Britain’s outdated and ineffective drugs laws [5]. She’s also cemented her position as a leading constructive critic of the Government’s environmental programme – which she says is little more than a ‘green veneer’ [6].

Nominations for the Green Party leadership open on Friday – and the election will run over the summer. The new leadership team will be announced in September.

Caroline Lucas, co-leader of the Green Party, said:

“I’m really proud of the party’s progress under our co-leadership. We have more councillors in more communities than ever before, we’ve put forward our boldest ever policies and we’ve challenged and weakened this callous Tory government. We’ve also started an internal party review that is already paying dividends – and will make the party more inclusive in its makeup and an even more successful electoral force.

“I won’t be seeking nominations to be a candidate in this year’s leadership election when the process starts on Friday – but instead will be focusing even more on work in Parliament and in Brighton. I believe that Jonathan and I have shown the power of working together, and that it’s now time for me to show the power of letting go.”

Note: Matthew Butcher will be leaving Caroline’s Office on 26th June. 







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