Green Party: Grayling shown contempt for rail workers and passengers

15 August 2018

The Green Party has responded to news rail fares will increase by 3.2% next year [1], while the Transport Secretary has announced plans for an effective cap on rail workers’ pay [2] by using a different, lower measure of inflation to set wages.

Amelia Womack, deputy leader of the Green Party, said:

“Chris Grayling has left no doubt about where his loyalties lie – with the private companies running our railways, not those who work on or use them.

“The announcements of plans for an effective cap on rail workers’ pay, and yet more fare increases outstripping wages, lay bare Grayling’s contempt for those who depend on Britain’s railways.

“Instead of making passengers and workers foot the bill for his failings, Grayling should be making the train operators enjoying eye watering profits pay their fair share.

“But with fares rising as services descend in chaos it’s ultimately time Britain’s railways were brought back into public hands.”





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Green Party: Cleaners ‘make history’ in fight against exploitation of low-paid workers

7 August 2018

The Green Party has given its support to cleaners striking for their rights today in what has been praised as the first coordinated action by low-paid workers in London.

Workers from the United Voices of the World trade union are on strike at the Ministry of Justice and Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea today, demanding the London Living Wage, decent sick pay and the same rights as their colleagues. [1]

Jonathan Bartley, co-leader of the Green Party, said:

“Cleaners bravely striking for their rights today have made history in the fight against the exploitation of low-paid workers. It is shameful that the Ministry of Justice doesn’t pay its cleaners enough to live on. In this age of insecurity Government departments should be leading by example, not leaving their own cleaners without basic workers’ rights. I stand in full solidarity with those striking today as they demand to be paid the London Living Wage, to get proper sick pay and to be given the same rights as their colleagues.”




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Greens respond to record proposals for building on Green Belt

6 August 2018

The Green Party has responded to news the total number of homes proposed for building on the Green Belt has hit a record of 460,000 [1].

Jonathan Bartley, co-leader of the Green Party, said:

“Developers are carving up our countryside to build homes normal families can’t afford to live in – and the Government is letting them get away with it. Building on the Green Belt will never solve the housing crisis and it’s time Ministers gave this land the stronger protection it needs.

“Everyone deserves to have somewhere safe and secure to call home. Instead of overseeing the erosion of our green space, the Government should invest in increasing social and affordable housing on the plentiful brownfield sites in our towns and cities, take action on empty homes, and introduce a Land Value Tax to encourage the use of vacant land and reduce speculation.”</span>


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Greens respond to Met Office State of the UK Climate report

31 July 2018

The Green Party has responded to the Met Office’s fourth annual State of the UK Climate report calling it a “final wake-up call” for the Government to take meaningful action on climate change.

The report found that 2017 was the fifth warmest on record for the UK, with nine of the 10 hottest years in the UK occurring since 2002 [1].

Jonathan Bartley, co-leader of the Green Party, said:

“This must be the final wake up call for the Government to end its failure on climate action. With nine of the ten hottest UK years on record occurring since 2002, history will ask why this Government didn’t show leadership in the face of the overwhelming evidence of climate breakdown.

“Despite knowing we are set to miss climate targets the Government has pushed fracking, approved airport expansion and pulled the rug from under renewable energy. This recklessness is a total abdication of responsibility and it’s time the Government matched its green rhetoric with meaningful action.”




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Voting opens in Green Party leadership race

30 July 2018

Green Party members will decide who leads the party into the future after polls opened in the leadership elections today (Monday 30 July).

The positions of leader and deputy leader are up for election, with three leadership slots available overall. If a single leader is elected there will be two deputies, while if co-leaders are elected there will be one deputy.

There are also 10 other positions on the Green Party Executive up for election. All fully paid up members are eligible to vote and will have until 31 August, when polls close, to have their say. Voting will be by single transferable vote, with ballots issued by email and, where required, paper copies.

Results will be announced in early September this year, with the date to be confirmed closer to the time.

A full list of candidates can be seen here:

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