Dover District Labour opposition leader joins Green Party

2 November 2018

* Cllr Mike Eddy of Dover District Council and Deal Town Council becomes first Green councillor in Dover District after 10 years as leader of Labour opposition

* Cllr Eddy said: “I’m excited to join a party which believes in putting power in local people’s hands”

The leader of Dover Labour party Mike Eddy has joined the Green Party to become Dover District’s first elected Green councillor.    

Cllr Eddy, who has been a Labour councillor in Deal and Dover for more than 20 years and led the opposition for 10 years, made the move after being impressed by the Green Party’s commitment to making sure “local decisions are made by local people and their representatives.”  

Dover and Deal Green Party officers, Beccy Sawbridge, John Lonsdale and Sarah Gleave, said: “We are delighted to welcome Mike on board, and now look forward to making a few changes in the district.”

Green Party co-leader Sian Berry, who is an elected member of the London Assembly, joined Cllr Eddy and local Greens at Dover Seafront on Friday 2 November for the announcement, where Berry backed the local party’s commitment to securing a free flow of traffic.

Berry said the people of Dover must “have a say on their future” after local freight clearance experts warned Dover would be hit by gridlock if the type of Brexit the Prime Minister is pursuing goes ahead.

Cllr Eddy, who is councillor for Mill Hill ward in Deal, was also galvanised to make the change by the Green Party’s firm commitment to scrap Universal Credit, which has left people in Dover District facing poverty since its rollout in July this year, as well as its campaigns to tackle air pollution and protect Dover and Deal’s green spaces and biodiversity.   

Cllr Mike Eddy said:  

“I’m excited to join a party which believes in putting power in local people’s hands. Whether it’s standing up against the damage that May’s government decisions will inflict on the port and community in Dover, or fighting to scrap Universal Credit, the Green Party is committed to making sure local decisions are made by local people.  

“The decision to leave Labour after ten years as leader of the opposition was not made lightly, but it was the right one. I am a firm believer that no one has the monopoly on wisdom and look forward to working together with progressive local councillors and my new Green colleagues to make sure the people of Dover District and Deal Town are not overlooked or left behind.”  

Martin Whybrow, lone Green County Councillor, said:

“Mike is an excellent addition to our Green councillors. I am delighted to welcome him. I got to know Mike at KCC and he is hard-working, principled and knowledgeable. He did an excellent job of holding the Conservatives in power to account and working for residents. He will join 176 other Green Party councillors of principal authorities nationally, and another 220 Green town and parish councillors.”            

Sian Berry, co-leader of the Green Party, said:

“History has been made in Dover today with Mike joining us as the first Green councillor for the district. Mike has a track record standing up for what matters to the people of Dover District and Deal Town and it’s a privilege to welcome him to our party. The local Green Party is already a growing force for good here and I have no doubt he will be a valuable addition to that work.

“Dover is on the Brexit frontline with the port and community set to feel the full force of the damaging policies the Government is pursuing, and Greens are committed to making sure people in every community in the country have a say on their future in or out of the EU and how the impact of any Brexit deal is felt in their area. The Dover and Deal Green Party will work with local people to make sure journeys to work, schools and health appointments are not subject to gridlock, that the vulnerable are not further beset by food and fuel poverty.”


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Greens welcomes referral of Arron Banks to National Crime Agency

1 November 2018

Green Party of England and Wales has welcomed news that Arron Banks has been referred to the National Crime Agency (NCA) for “suspected criminal offences committed during the EU referendum”.

The Electoral Commission suspect Banks was not the true source of millions worth of loans made to Better for the Country, the company he set up to promote Brexit. The Commission believe these funds came from impermissible sources, and that he and others have concealed the true details of financial transactions.

Responding to the news, MEP for the South-West Molly Scott Cato welcomed the decision by the Electoral Commission.

She said:

“Arron Banks financial affairs have always been highly suspect. This referral to the National Crime Agency has vindicated the suspicions many of us have long had. It is clear he is not just a dodgy dealer, with alleged Russian connections, he is potentially a crook.

“He has never satisfactorily accounted for his claims of having bankrolled Leave.EU with his own money or explained where that money came from.  

“This referral also draws attention to the poor judgement of the BBC in allowing Banks airtime to rubbish the Electoral Commission. This gave him a platform to challenge breaches of electoral rules and dress these up as a political debate.

“This not only undermined the rule of law, it also threatens our democracy.”

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Caroline Lucas: Budget 'a slap in the face for headteachers'

29 October 2018

Responding to the Budget, Green Party MP Caroline Lucas said:

“This Budget laid bare just how out of touch this Government is. Philip Hammond’s pittance for schools to buy ‘little extras’ is a slap in the face for headteachers who can’t cover the basic costs of staff, building repairs and support for children with special educational needs. And once again our struggling colleges went ignored.

“His extra funding for Universal Credit, which has plunged thousands into financial difficulty across Brighton, doesn’t begin to repair the damage caused by yearly welfare payment freezes and austerity.

“And worst of all, just two weeks after the world’s top scientists warned we have 12 years to avoid complete climate breakdown, the Chancellor failed to even mention climate change.

“The only good news came for Brighton’s vibrant small businesses with the drop in business rates I’ve long campaigned for. Now he must match that support with replacement funding for local authorities, who rely on the money raised from rates.

“This Budget wrote off our children’s futures while making no tangible difference to people’s lives in Brighton. The Chancellor won’t be forgiven.”

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Molly Scott Cato responds to 2018 budget

29 October 2018

Responding to today’s budget, Green MEP for the South West, Molly Scott Cato, said:

“Greens said that this must be an emergency budget for the climate and that it would fail if a single pound was spent on climate wrecking projects [1].

“Well, we witnessed billions splashed on climate wreckage, yet not a single mention of the word climate. This despite the fact scientists warned just a few weeks ago that we have a 12-year window to transition our economy and society away from fossil fuels [2]. 

“Rather than action to avert climate breakdown we saw the chancellor accelerate faster towards it, throwing £30bn at road building and freezing fuel duty for the ninth year running. This now amounts to a £9bn tax give-away, enough to reverse all Conservative benefit cuts of the past 8 years. Compare these eye-watering sums to the pittance given towards the environment – just £60 million to plant a few trees.

“As well as an assault on our climate this budget was a huge missed economic opportunity. This could have been a budget to turbo charge the idea of the Western Powerhouse, offering support and incentives to exploit the huge potential for renewable energy resources across the South West region. Off-shore and on-shore wind, solar, tidal and thermal power could provide for all the region’s energy needs and create thousands of jobs in the process [3].”




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Caroline Lucas responds to Budget: “not clear what planet Philip Hammond is living on”

29 October 2018

Responding to the Budget, Green Party MP Caroline Lucas said: “Did the Chancellor lose a section of his speech? This is the most nature-depleted Budget in decades. His biggest announcement on the environment was abandoning the latte levy, and with it the pretence of caring about our natural world.

“Two weeks ago, the world’s top scientists warned we have just 12 years to prevent climate catastrophe – so today we urgently needed an emergency budget with major investment in green energy and jobs to protect the planet. It’s unforgivable that Philip Hammond failed to even mention climate change.

“It’s not clear what planet Philip Hammond is living on – but it is his responsibility to do something to protect those of us living on this one. His deluded Budget was built on a fantasy future where the technical revolution will solve all of society’s problems.

“He spent more on fixing potholes than funding schools and lavished billions on locking us into our cars as public transport deteriorates. Our children will never forgive him.”

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