Green Party reveals full list of runners for London Mayoral and Assembly spots

14 January 2019

London’s third party has revealed the full list of nominees [1] hoping to stand in the 2020 London Mayoral and Assembly elections.

Today (Monday 14 January) voting opens for Green Party members to choose the candidates who will stand in the 2020 election.

Jonathan Bartley, co-leader of the party, said the London Green Party had put forward a list of nominees who “reflect our great diverse city”.  

Half of the nominees hoping to stand for mayor are BAME. Of the nominees hoping to be chosen for the 11 spotson the Green Party’s London Assembly List, more than one third are BAME. The party also has one deafblind candidate, and six candidates who are 30-years-old or under.

The Green Party came third in the 2016 London Assembly and Mayoral elections, when Sian Berry also came third for the party in the Mayoral race [2].

Jonathan Bartley, co-leader of the Green Party, said:

“The London Green Party has put forward a list of candidates who reflect our great diverse city. I’m really proud to see so many Greens stepping up to give communities a voice they can trust. We have already seen that having greens in City Hall – as well as in council chambers up and down the country – makes a real difference. In the last London elections the Green Party established itself as the capital’s third party – I’m excited to see us take the campaign to the next level.”



Nominees to stand as London Mayor:

Peter Underwood

Shahrar Ali

Sian Berry

Zack Polanski

Nominees to stand on the London Assembly List:

Andrea Carey Fuller

Azzees Minott

Benali Hamdache

Ben Fletcher

Caroline Russell

Florence Pollock

Gulnar Hasnain

Hannah Graham

James Braun

Jarelle Francis

Kirsten De Keyser

Matthew Crowley

Peter Underwood

Ronald Stewart

Rosamund Adoo-Kissi-Debrah

Rosemary Warrington

Scott Ainslie

Shahrar Ali

Shaka Lish

Sian Berry

Tom Pashby

Zack Polanski


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Green Party responds to rise in arms sales to human rights abusers

21 December 2018

The Green Party has called on the Prime Minister to immediately end arms sales where there are risks of human rights abuses after news one-third of UK arms sales go to states on human rights watchlist. [1]

Jonathan Bartley, co-leader of the Green Party, said:

“It is a stain on our national conscience that Britain is arming human rights abusers. The Government cannot keep turning a blind eye to the fact British weapons are fuelling despicable wars and being used to target civilians in violation of the rules of war. It is rank hypocrisy that Britain championed the Arms Trade Treaty yet seems content to ignore the clear risk of selling weapons into conflict zones – violating that very treaty. It is time for the cosy relationship with despotic regimes like Riyadh in Saudi Arabia to end. I appeal to the Prime Minister to immediately stop arms sales where there are risks of human rights abuses.”



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Green Party responds to Government immigration White Paper

19 December 2018

Caroline Lucas MP said:

“Confronted with negative headlines, Theresa May has a habit of diverting attention by pointing the finger at migrants.

“But this latest announcement affects us all – stripping British people of our freedom to live, love, study and work across 27 other countries without needing a visa.

“The white paper’s arbitrary £30,000 income threshold will worsen the severe staffing crisis in our NHS and leave all of us poorer – both economically and culturally. And ministers appear to be doing nothing to address people’s genuine concerns about low pay and pressure on public services by strengthening workers’ rights and properly enforcing the minimum wage. 

“In 2016 the public voted to take back control – not to give up their rights.”


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Statement on Strasbourg attack: response from Molly Scott Cato MEP

12 December 2018

Responding to last night’s attack in Strasbourg, in which three peolle were killed and 12 others injured, Green MEP Molly Scott Cato, who was close to the attak when it happened, said:

“Following the shocking attack in Strasbourg last night I would like to offer my sympathy to the families of those who were killed and the many people who were injured and to send solidarity to everybody in the city who feels shaken and brutalised this morning.

“Strasbourg is at the centre of the European peace project and also the heart of human rights in our continent since it houses both the European Parliament and the European Court of Human Rights. As Greens we therefore restate our total commitment to both these idealistic and hopeful projects this morning.

“Strasbourg is also a beautiful historic city which is a truly magical place to be at Christmas time. The spirit of peace, solidarity and goodwill of our continent is stronger than the hate of a few people who seek to threaten our social cohesion.

“My own staff and my parliamentary colleagues are all safe and well and intend to continue with our legislative work this morning.”

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Greens: “The Stansted 15 are human rights defenders – the real criminals are the Home Office.”

10 December 2018

In reaction to the conviction of the Stanstead 15 [1], Green Party of England and Wales co-leader Jonathan Bartley denounced the treatment of the activists as “unprecedented and wrong”. He also called for root and branch reform of the UK’s immigration system and an end to charter flights.

Bartley said:

“The treatment of the Stansted 15 is unprecedented and is wrong. From the trumped up charges they faced to the verdicts handed down. The principled action the Stansted 15 took exposed the brutality of these secretive charter flights, and a number of people set to be removed from the UK on that plane have been able to stay in the UK safely as a result of their principled actions. The Stansted 15 are human rights defenders – the real criminals are the Home Office. 

“We need root and branch reform of our immigration system and that can start with stopping the use of charter flights for deportations immediately.”


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