Amelia Womack returns Preston New Road anti-fracking camp for ‘last’ visit

13 May 2019

The deputy leader of the Green Party, Amelia Womack, will be at Preston New Road anti-fracking camp today [Monday 13th of May] at 12.30pm, the first time any of the leadership team has visited the site since a climate emergency was officially declared in the UK.

She is attending the Green Monday event, at which members of the party’s leadership team, and other prominent Greens Party and other environmental campaigners, have been regular visitors.

Amelia said: “In the age of climate emergency, the argument against fracking should already have been won. I am proud to be in a party stating that we shouldn’t have fracking in the UK or EU and working transnationally to stop it. I have made six visits to Preston New Road and this absolutely should be the last time I have to be here.

“In these European elections, Greens are committed to stopping the fossil fuel industry by 2030 and securing investment for renewables. This means no fracking, no new coal and no oil extraction. Beyond that, we need to make all fossil fuel subsidy by governments illegal – both at home and within the EU. 

“The people here in Lancaster have been dedicated in their battle against the fracking industry and now we owe it to them to recognise that they were right all along. 

“Now that the Tories have officially recognised that we are in a climate emergency, Theresa May must see that an immediate end to fracking and fossil fuel industries is essential. The country has been distracted by Brexit but missed the point that European-wide collaboration is the best tool we have to tackle the climate emergency.”

Gina Dowding, top list party candidate for the Green Party in the North West, who has a great chance of becoming the region’s first Green MEP, adding to the current English tally of three, and who was arrested during a “lock-on” (1) at the site in 2017, said: “The people of Lancashire are tired of being at the front of the anti-fracking struggle – although determined to continue it until it is finally won, and the security of the ground under our feet, the quality of our air and the peace of our life, is no longer threatened by this unwanted fossil fuel industry.

“We said no to fracking – so this is also a struggle about democracy. I’m glad that so many people like Amelia have brought their support to this Lancashire fight from around the UK. 

“It is time for the far-off Westminster Tories to stop trying to impose this industry for which there is no social consent. They should turn their attention instead to promoting the most affordable, and environmentally friend, renewables options, as well as supporting the farming and tourism industries that are so important to this area, to which fracking is a threat.”

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Peterborough By-Election – Green Party Statement

9 May 2019

The Green Party, the Liberal Democrats, Change UK, and Renew have been working hard these last few days on a joint approach to the Peterborough by-election, recognising that we need to put the country’s interests first, securing a People’s Vote and remaining in the European Union. 

We all agreed to stand down any candidates we might field in favour of a genuinely independent – pro People’s Vote and pro Remain – candidate who had expressed an interest and intention to stand. 

However, it has now become impossible for this to proceed. The Green Party are therefore standing a candidate who is pro remain, who is serious about tacking climate chaos, and who wants to work hard for the people of Peterborough. The Green Party will always put the country before party and explore options which might best benefit its strong call for a People’s Vote and remaining in the European Union.

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EU election launch: Greens are the strongest pro-EU party

8 May 2019

It is time to say Yes to Europe and investing in communities and No to climate chaos

The Green Wave is growing in strength after spectacular local election results

The Green Party of England and Wales has today formally launched its campaign for the EU election on the 23rd of May, setting out its position as the strongest pro-EU party.

Co-leader Sian Berry told a packed press conference: “Our message to the people is very simple: It’s time to say Yes to Europe, Yes to investing in communities, and No to climate chaos.

“It’s also about saying a very loud No to the failed Brexit project, and yes to transforming our society to one that puts people first.

“The Brexit project led by Nigel Farage has capitalised on the neglect of our communities and unleashed the darkest elements onto our nation, bringing them dangerously close to the mainstream.

“The far-right are now a sickness in our politics. But the Greens, full of hope and with a vision of the future that has faith in people’s best instincts – we are the cure.

“The Greens are the strongest pro-EU party.”

Co-leader Jonathan Bartley added: “If you thought last week’s local election results for the Greens were good, let me tell you – the Green Wave is growing in strength and there is much more to come.

“This is our moment, and we’re ready for the best election we’ve ever had. Every Green MEP elected from our brilliant team of candidates will be a commanding voice calling for what this country needs now: a People’s Vote.

“We need to go back to the people, to you, to get politics moving again.

“We need more Green MEPs who will take real and meaningful action on what has caused Brexit.

“We have to listen to those who voted to Leave and address the problems and neglect that so many communities are going through, right across Britain.

“As the local elections showed, Greens deliver for local communities. We won so many seats because we are building up credibility and trust, because Green councillors work hard and change things for the better in their areas.” (1)

Jonathan and Sian are available for interviews. Please contact or 0203 6919401

(1) In the local elections last week in England, the Green Party more than doubled its number of council seats, winning representation on 51 new councils.

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Campaigning Green MEP candidate says progress too slow on Cambridge University divestment

7 May 2019

University “in grave danger of being a laggard”

“In the age of climate emergency, this issue is not going to go away”

Responding to the announcement today from Cambridge University that it had agreed to provide fully costed plans setting out how it could divest multibillion-pound endowments from fossil fuel corporations (1), with the report due in six months, Jeremy Caddick, a former member of the university council, a position from which he campaigned for divestment, said:

“Seventy six UK universities, holding £12 billion in fossil fuel assets, have already committed to divest. Cambridge sees itself as a leader among British universities, but on the issue of divestment it is clearly in grave danger of being a laggard.

“Two years ago the administration dodged the issue by failing to act on a call from more than 130 academics to move towards serious action. Now, with double that number of academic supporters signing up to a motion to its ruling body, it appears there is recognition that in the age of climate emergency this issue is not going to go away.

“The administration have to up their game. That’s what the academic body is saying – and despite appearances Cambridge University is actually a workers’ cooperative. And that’s also what the students are saying, with a strong campaign demanding action, as are the young people of our city through the climate strikes.”

Jeremy Caddick is available for interview. Please contact the Green Party Press office on 0203 6919401 or

Notes (1)

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Green Party’s Amelia Womack responds to major UN warning on environmental collapse

7 May 2019

Nature is in desperate straits in the UK

Environmental action will also improve people’s lives

Responding to the major UN report by the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (1), just issued, which concludes that we are eroding the very foundations of our economies, livelihoods, food security, health and quality of life worldwide, Amelia Womack, deputy leader of the Green Party of England and Wales, said:

“We are today pursuing policies that are trashing the planet. As the UN report highlights, the threat isn’t just climate change, we are also seeing a collapse in biodiversity and bioabundance. That’s particularly acute in Britain, where nature is in desperate straits.

“Yet we are doing that while creating unequal, economically unsustainable societies where far too many people are struggling to put food on the table and keep a roof over their heads.

“We cannot continue to treat the planet this way, and that’s an opportunity, because in making the changes we need environmentally, we can also build far healthier, happier, more stable societies than we have today.

“More than 70 per cent of carbon emissions come from cities. And it is there that we can most easily slash emissions and use resources efficiently – with great provision for active transport, walking and cycling, public transport, warm homes and great communities.

“By stopping factory farming and using farmland well we can produce a vegetable- and fruit-rich healthy diet that all can afford, and free up land for nature, rewilding and trees that will store carbon for us.”


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