Robert Macfarlane backs vote for the Green Party in European election

18 May 2019

Highly successful nature writer Robert Macfarlane has tweeted his support for the Green Party in the European election.

He wrote:

He had earlier released the following statement showing his support

“If you want to see an end to air pollution and an end to fossil-fuel dependency; if you want to see the recovery of biodiversity and the growth of a Green New Deal; if you believe that social justice and environmental justice are closely aligned, then I’m with you. I’ll be voting Green on Thursday May 23rd – join me! It’s time.”

Macfarlane is famous for his works that explore the human place in nature and his latest book Underland is described as a work of huge range and power, and a remarkable new chapter in Macfarlane’s long-term exploration of landscape and the human heart.

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Green Party action at St Pancras today: Call for affordable, convenient European train travel

18 May 2019

Let the train take the strain, says Green Party deputy leader

Young Green action coordinated with German compatriots

Green Party deputy leader Amelia Womack will today (Saturday 18th of May) join London Young Greens to demand that train travel from London across Europe be made more convenient and cheaper.

They will be protesting outside St Pancras station, calling for improvements in rail travel, rather than cutbacks. This follows the recent announcement that sales of relatively cheap “through” tickets to German, Austrian and Swiss destinations will end. (1)

Amelia said: “Huge numbers of young people don’t want to fly but want to take advantage of the free movement now available to them as citizens of the European Union. It is possible to travel by train to and from most destinations in Europe, as Nobel Prize-nominee Swede Greta Thunberg showed on her recent visit to Britain.

“I know this personally, having been to the South of Italy, Berlin and many other European destinations by train.

“But the price makes it prohibitive for many, particularly young people. That flying is so much cheaper in pound terms, even though it is costing us the Earth, is a massive policy failure of their elders. Aviation is massively subsidised through lack of fuel tax and VAT.

“That costs the Treasury billions, and helps push people into the air, when for many journeys rail would be a far more convenient and pleasant way to travel.”

Amelia added: “The Young Green event is being held in coordination with a similar German Young Greens event, reflecting the way in which as part of the European Greens, we work cooperatively across the continent.”

Greens across Europe are also campaigning for the restoration of sleeper trains, to make longer journeys more practical and convenient, a campaign that has met with success in Sweden. (2)

For further information contact the Green Party press office,, 0203-6919401. To cover the protest on the day, contact Matthew Hull, 0785 615783.


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North East Green Party lead candidate says coal claims ‘blown away’ by study

14 May 2019

Rachel Featherstone, Green Party lead candidate for the North East, is tonight to visit the site of the proposed Dewley Hill open cast coal mine in Northumberland.

She will be marking the release of figures today showing that existing coal stockpiles in the UK are more than double the level needed required until 2025, when the government is committed to completely ending coal-fired electricity generation.

Rachel said: “The issue of coal mining is of great concern in the North East, where not only Dewley Hill buts also our treasured Druridge Bay is threatened by a proposed new open cut coal mine, despite strong local opposition. 

“But this is a national issue. The parliament has declared a climate emergency, but we are still in danger of not just losing wonderful natural environments, but also further driving greenhouse gas emissions globally by exporting coal, when we should be ensuring no more is removed from the ground.

“Proponents of coal try to argue that their mines will ensure we aren’t importing coal for the final days of its use. This important work by Friends of the Earth and the Coal Action Network blows that claim away.

“The government has often talked about promoting carbon capture and storage from fossil fuel burning, but there is no need for new technology. Nature has already done the storage for us, if we just leave the fossil fuels in the ground.”

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Molly Scott-Cato focuses on tax justice with 10-point plan

14 May 2019

Molly Scott-Cato, Green Party MEP for the South West, and lead candidate in next week’s European election, today launched a “10-step Plan for Tax Justice” before an audience of small business owners in Bournemouth.

She said: “Greens are proud to have led on cracking down on corporate tax avoidance in this parliament. But there’s still a lot more to done to make sure national government stop blocking European co-operation on this issue.

“Multinational corporations use their transnational structures to out-compete local independent businesses who pay their taxes and fund the public services that the corporations rely on to help generate their profits. They are parasites who are not paying their way.”

Molly added: “Bournemouth is one of the country’s financial centres, which is why we are launching this plan here. We need to clean up our financial sector so it stops serving our tax dodgers. Currently, it works for the benefit of the elite.”

The plan was launched simultaneously across Europe, reflecting the close cooperation between Green parties across the European Union. 

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Rowan Williams endorses Green Party lead candidate for Eastern Region

13 May 2019

In a statement issued in Cambridge, Rowan Williams, the former Archbishop of Canterbury, said:

“It is harder and harder to pretend that we’re not living in the middle of the most serious environmental crisis in recorded history.  We desperately need people in British and Indeed global politics who are not afraid to name this challenge for what it is, and to look at what needs to change in our lives if we are to avoid terrible cost to future generations and to the most vulnerable people of our own generation across the world. 

“Catherine Rowett is someone with the honesty, the courage and the clarity to speak out and think hard on these matters, and I sincerely wish there were more like her in our public life. I have deep confidence in her integrity and vision.”

Catherine is a Norwich resident and Professor of Philosophy at the University of East Anglia.

If elected she will represent Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex, Cambridgeshire, Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire in the European Parliament.

The Greens came within 1% of winning a seat in the Eastern Region in the European election in 2014, collecting significantly more votes than the Liberal Democrats.

Green MP Caroline Lucas said: “Greens came close in Eastern England last time. We are the region’s strongest pro-Remain party. You can elect a Green MEP for the East this time.”

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