Greens say withdrawal of UK staff from Brussels is ‘dereliction of duty’

13 August 2019


Responding to reports that Prime Minister Boris Johnson is planning to pull UK officials from meetings in Brussels (1),

Green Party Deputy Leader Amelia Womack said:

“The plans would constitute a complete dereliction of duty by the Government that will consciously fail to perform its basic functions.”

“Once again it is clear that for propagandistic reasons the Prime Minister would risk the security of our country and our standing in relation to our natural allies.

“Brexit was never presented as a diminishment of our status in the world. Every day we are safer as a country as a result of the exchange of information with our EU allies.”

“The EU has always been at the forefront of consumer protection, it would be a mistake to abandon those standards.”

Green Party Eastern Region MEP Catherine Rowett said:

“This is a dark day for British diplomacy as Boris Johnson sacrifices our national interest and self-respect on the altar of a regressive nationalism. We cannot solve problems, in Europe or at home, by cutting ourselves off from our neighbours and refusing to talk to anyone.

“The hard-line Brexiteers make grand claims about trade deals with a world beyond Europe but they know that is a lie. Other countries will not want to trade with a UK that is isolated and in chaos after a crash-out Brexit.

“Nobody voted for lessening British influence in the world or for greater hardship at home, and Boris Johnson’s government has no right to impose that on us.”



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Green Party calls Interrail decision ‘entirely the wrong direction of travel’

7 August 2019


Reacting to the decision by train companies in the UK to stop accepting Interrail passes from January (1), Green Party Deputy Leader Amelia Womack said:

“This is entirely the wrong direction of travel, in both environmental and international relations terms.

“We need to be encouraging people to travel by train rather than taking the plane. It needs to be the easiest, simplest and cheapest option, as well as being as it already is by far the most pleasant.

“And we want to encourage people from across our continent and beyond to meet, to make friendships, learn about other societies, and build links with our fellow Europeans in particular.

“This is one more reminder that our current rail model is broken: we should be running this public service for the public good, which would certainly include taking Interrail passes, rather than private profit.”



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Green Party calls Interrail decision ‘entirely the wrong direction of travel’

7 August 2019


Reacting to the decision by train companies in the UK to stop accepting Interrail passes from January (1), Green Party Deputy Leader Amelia Womack said:

“This is entirely the wrong direction of travel, in both environmental and international relations terms.

“We need to be encouraging people to travel by train rather than taking the plane. It needs to be the easiest, simplest and cheapest option, as well as being as it already is by far the most pleasant.

“And we want to encourage people from across our continent and beyond to meet, to make friendships, learn about other societies, and build links with our fellow Europeans in particular.

“This is one more reminder that our current rail model is broken: we should be running this public service for the public good, which would certainly include taking Interrail passes, rather than private profit.”



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Green MEP attacks minister for disinformation about farming exports

30 July 2019


In response to comments made by NFU boss Minette Batters about threats to sheep farmers from a No Deal Brexit (1), Secretary of State for Wales Alun Cairns suggested they should switch from their dominant European markets and seek customers in Japan instead (2). 

Molly Scott Cato, who represents many sheep farmers in her constituency of South West England, said:

“The minister is either misrepresenting or misunderstanding the situation and thereby risking the livelihoods of sheep farmers in Wales and the South West.

“He admits that the 40% tariffs that will follow a No Deal exit from the EU will decimate lamb exports to the EU but suggests that a new market has just opened up in Japan.

“This market is only tariff-free because of an EU trade deal between the EU and Japan (JEFTA), a deal that we will no longer be part of outside the EU.

“This indication of a fundamental failure to understand the trade situation facing our farmers – or a deliberate attempt to mislead – indicates the contempt for our farming industry shown by this government.”

Dr Scott Cato, who is a member of the European Parliament’s Agriculture Committee, added:

“The idea of global Britain is a threat to our climate. Local supply chains are less energy-intensive and attempting to encourage people in the Far East to consume more meat when the climate emergency requires us all to move towards the sort of plant-based diets they currently enjoy is irresponsible.”




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Boris Johnson as PM – Green Party co-leader says ‘don’t despair, do politics’

23 July 2019

Sian Berry, co-leader of the Green Party, said: “Today the expected happened. We have Boris Johnson as our incoming Prime Minister, the second in a row chosen only by the members of the Conservative Party.

“I know many people today will be deeply worried and incredibly frustrated at the failures of our antiquated, undemocratic political system that have led us to this point.

“They are right to feel all of those things.

“But if we channel that frustration into a renewed focus on our determination to stop Brexit, our work listening and acting on the concerns of citizens across the country who have been damaged and sidelined by austerity, and our demands for action on the climate emergency, we can renew the UK.

“Boris Johnson is at the political extreme, a great distance from what the majority of British people want. That position is going to produce a strong reaction, a greatly strengthened demand for political change.”

Sian continued:

“The Green Party vision is one that delivers a secure, stable life for people in every area and in every walk of life, within the physical limits of this one fragile planet.

“Don’t despair; channel the frustration and join the Green Party today. Don’t let politics be something that is done to you, make politics what you do to make things better.”

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