Green peer reacts to reports of a possible cut to fuel duty

25 August 2019

Responding to reports of a possble cut to fuel duty (1), Green peer Jenny Jones has said:


“The UK has declared a climate emergency, there’s grave global concern about the Amazon, ‘the lungs of the world’, being consumed by fire, and yet what we hear from our Prime Minister is the floating of a populist policy that he hopes will win over the votes of Brexit Party backers.

“Thus is Boris Johnson boosterism exposed as the nakedly self-interested, short-termist approach that it is. It has not the interests of the British people or the fragile, threatened planet at heart, but the political interests of one man.

“This is no way to run a country.”


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Green Party Education Spokesperson: A-levels do not reflect 21st-century skills needs

15 August 2019

Commenting on today’s A-levels results, Vix Lowthion, Green Party Education Spokeperson and a secondary teacher who was with her pupils as they got the results this morning, said:

“This morning I was looking at the nervousness of students, teachers and parents and reflecting how A-levels are high-stakes testing.

“Pupils feel that their whole future is fixed in three exams taken in the summer heat. The working reality for adults is investigation, project work and in teams. Our qualifications system should reflect these 21st-century skills.

“A-levels instead emphasise the ability to memorise and pass tests.

Our society needs adults who can analyse, reflect and collaborate. These skills can be built through module tests and research.

“As a sixth-form teacher I know the hard work and stress A-levels can generate.

“My compassion and support if you’re disappointed. Life’s joys aren’t only found through taking the straight and direct paths.”

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Green Party calls for move away from failed ‘War on Drugs’

15 August 2019


Responding to the news that drug-related deaths in England and Wales are the highest they have been since records began more than a quarter of a century ago (1), Green Party deputy leader Amelia Womack said:

“We are seeing in these figures the huge human cost of the ‘War on Drugs’, and the impact of cutbacks to treatment and prevention services following Westminster government austerity.

“It is striking the higher levels of deaths in the poorer regions of the UK, including in Wales. 

“Green Party policy calls for a different approach. We need to take a public health approach to the misuse of drugs, and protect individuals, communities and especially children at risk of exploitation through county line drug gangs.

“Our current unregulated, out-of-control, illegal drug distribution is linked to crime, violence and lives of misery.” 



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Green MEP at “Stand with Kashmir” event in London

15 August 2019


London’s Green MEP Scott Ainslie will today be attending the “Stand With Kashmir” event in Trafalgar Square, which starts at 5pm.

In advance of the event, Scott said: “Security in Kashmir can only come from the respect of human rights and self-determination. Time and time again UN agencies and human right organisations have found how Kashmiris’ human rights are being violated. 

“It is time to put an end to the decades of violence and human rights suffered by the inhabitants of Kashmir, and the decisions by India to unilaterally end the rights of Kashmiris is deeply disturbing and should be called out.

“By virtually cutting off the region, India is making Kashmiris inhabitants of an open-air prison, completely flouting the principle of autonomy enshrined in its constitution. Far from guarantee its security, the Indian Government is raising the stakes in a dangerous game that will only satisfy the hawks in its administration.

“By altering the constitutional status of Kashmir, India is reducing the possibility of a peaceful solution to a conflict that has kept two nuclear-armed nations at odds for the last 70 years. An outbreak of active conflict would bring untold human suffering.”

“Proponents of a post-Brexit ‘global Britain’, including the prime minister, seem once again unable to make our voice heard in international forums.

“We need the UK government to advocate for an ethical foreign policy that builds capacity for conflict resolution. The defence of human rights in Kashmir, including freedom of the press and of assembly, should be the starting point of any definitive peace talks.

“But we also need to call for calm and restraint from all sides. Fiery rhetoric and inflammatory language will not help this situation.”

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Green MP Caroline Lucas responds to Labour no-confidence proposal

14 August 2019

Responding to a letter received this evening from Jeremy Corbyn about co-operation in the coming month in parliament, Green MP Caroline Lucas said:

 “We absolutely support and welcome Jeremy Corbyn’s call for a vote of no-confidence in order to avoid the catastrophe of the so-called ‘No Deal’.  Preventing a crash-out Brexit on the 31st October was what lay behind my proposal earlier this week.

“But the proposal from the Labour leader does not guarantee that the people are given the final say on Brexit.

“Holding a general election before a People’s Vote is the wrong way around.

Votes are cast in general elections on multiple issues, and the first-past-the-post system can and does create parliaments unrepresentative of the views of the people. The People’s Vote would ensure everyone’s voice was heard clearly on the single, crucial, issue of Brexit.”

Caroline added:

“I would back a vote of no-confidence if Jeremy Corbyn calls it, but what I ask him to do is to guarantee that if he fails to win the confidence of the House, even for a time-limited temporary Government, that he would commit to supporting an MP who can do that, then deliver the crucial letter to the EU asking for an extension of Article 50, then a People’s Vote.

“After that is the time to hold an election, when voters can make the choice about their representatives to take the UK forward, dealing with the pressing issues within our country.” 

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