“We believe this deal does nothing to address the major concerns we have about Brexit and will not help secure Wales’ future prosperity.” Final Say Wales Board

18 October 2019

Leading members of Welsh Labour, the Welsh Liberal Democrats, the Welsh Conservatives and the Green Party of Wales have agreed to the formation of a cross-party committee to prepare for a Final Say on Brexit.

Final Say Wales is a politically neutral organisation that will campaign for a confirmatory vote on any Brexit deal. We believe this is the biggest issue of our generation, the people of Wales must have their final say on Brexit. We believe in democracy and we want our Final Say on any Brexit Deal that is presented to Westminster.

Chair of Final Say Wales, Lynne Neagle AM outlined the purpose of FSW and our united commitment to a final say on Brexit:

“Final Say Wales has pulled together political parties in Wales to begin the preparation for the campaign for a final say referendum on the Prime Minister’s Deal. Wales is the first nation within the UK to establish a cross party committee to end the uncertainty of Brexit and unite political parties on the issue. This is an important step to ensure we secure a positive future for Wales, with the backing of a devolved government.

We believe this deal does nothing to address the major concerns we have about Brexit and will not help secure Wales’ future prosperity. That’s why we have come together to campaign for a final say about Brexit and why we will campaign to remain in the EU because we believe that offers the best deal for Wales.”

Bill Powell, President of the Welsh Liberal Democrats stated:

“Parties in Wales have come together to secure the future of our nation. The deadline is fast approaching and our Parties in Wales agree, we need our final say on the Prime Minister’s Brexit Deal.”

Guto Bebb MP for Aberconwy stated:

“Time is now of the essence, we in Wales have been working across the political parties to unite the country and ensure we secure Wales’ future. The Prime Minister’s Deal will not secure the future of our Welsh economy. The deal needs to be put back to the people and allow them to have their final say on Brexit.”

Anthony Slaughter, Leader of the Welsh Green Party stated:

“Parties in Wales have come together to put narrow party-political issues aside to campaign to secure Wales’ future. We’re all united on this issue and demand that the people of Wales have their final say on the Brexit deal presented to Parliament on Saturday.”

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Green Party co-leader Jonathan Bartley arrested at climate protest

16 October 2019

Green Party co-leader Jonathan Bartley was arrested this afternoon after joining climate activists in Whitehall speaking out against the banning of peaceful protest across London.

The ban has been enforced by the Met Police this week via a section 14 order. 

A Green Party spokesperson said: “Climate chaos will end ecosystems and collapse our society. We have just 10 years to reduce our C02 emissions to safer levels and climate protesters are drawing attention to that. We all have a right to peaceful protest and we will continue to act to protect that right and draw attention to instances where democracy is threatened.”

Jonathan was arrested alongside environmentalist George Monbiot.

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Statement from Green Party peer, Jenny Jones about today’s legal challenge

16 October 2019

A collection of Climate rebels, including Parliamentarians such as myself, Caroline Lucas MP and Ellie Chowns MEP, are taking the Met Police to court to challenge the Section 14 Order which bans Extinction Rebellion Protests throughout the whole of London.

We believe that the ban is an abuse of the law and in violation of fundamental human rights. Our lawyers are seeking an emergency hearing this afternoon and we expect that the Court will rule the ban null and void. 

Until the Court rules otherwise, the police are still arresting anyone in a group who expresses, in words or otherwise, any concern about the climate and ecological emergency. 

A blanket ban on all protest across London is grossly disproportionate and an attempt to shut down anyone from voicing their concerns on the climate and ecological crisis. This ban has no place in a democratic society. If protest were banned in the capital city of any other country, UK politicians would condemn it as a crackdown on free speech and basic freedoms.

As Greens, we stand in solidarity with climate and ecological activists at home and across the world who face oppression and arrest for protecting our planet. The big question is, why do the authorities put their effort into blocking protest rather than acting strongly on climate change? 

Baroness Jones Press Officer: 

Ian Wingrove

M: 07967205330

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Green Party statement on the arrest of Ellie Chowns MEP

15 October 2019

The right to peaceful protest is a fundamental pillar of a liberal democracy. We stand in solidarity with Ellie Chowns MEP who was arrested late on Monday 14th October while peacefully attending the Extinction Rebellion gathering in Trafalgar Square.

It is disturbing that the Metropolitan Police should impose a Section 14 across the whole of London, after 9pm on Monday 14th October. This is a disproportionate response to peaceful protest and to responsible expressions of democracy at this critical time for the planet. 

A Section 14 should not be imposed across the entire capital city. It should only be applied to specific areas, and only then in response to genuine threats to public order. This is not the case here: just the indiscriminate arrest of peaceful protesters.

The imminent threat of the climate crisis and the UK government’s continued lack of meaningful action means Extinction Rebellion have legitimate cause to protest. The disruption from these protests, frustrating as it is for ordinary Londoners, is nothing compared to the enormous disruption that unchecked climate change will bring.

Limiting freedom of expression and peaceful protest – as in the case of the arrest of Ellie Chowns – is an erosion of the quality of our democracy.

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Greens call on European Investment Bank to exclusively back the green transition

10 October 2019

Greens have welcomed plans to turn the European Investment Bank (EIB) into Europe’s “climate bank”, which forms part of a pledge by the new Commission president, Ursula von der Leyen, to deliver a ‘European Green Deal.’

However, they say such a proposal only makes sense if the EIB agrees to end all financing of fossil fuel projects and rapidly become a bank which exclusively supports the transition to a climate-neutral economy.

Molly Scott Cato, who spoke during a European Parliament debate on the future of the EIB today and is Green party spokesperson on finance [link to video], said:

“We need to rapidly increase funding for activities that will bring about quick wins and dramatic carbon reductions including large-scale home insulation, electrification of services currently provided by fossil fuels, and massive investment in public transport. But this must run in parallel with an immediate end to the funding of all fossil fuel projects.

“We need a climate bank that does what it says on the tin, not one that counters investments in the green economy by throwing more money at projects which continue to push business as usual.” 

Professor Scott Cato also raised concerns about how Brexit would affect the UK’s ability to invest in the transition to a green economy. The EIB provides around £5.5 billion a year for investment across the UK, including over £1bn support for green energy infrastructure.

Molly Scott Cato said:

“Brexit will cut us off from an important source of funding for the green transition. The government has offered no replacement for this vital investment if we leave the EU. Given that Brextremists are at the heart of government and many of them are also climate deniers, it is clear that leaving the EU would be disastrous for the UKs efforts to tackle the climate emergency.”

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